Rock Rails got a test today at work by her "Hybrid"


New member
I thought I would share another use for Rock Rails today. In Tampa for some reason car garages are very low. My 13 Rubicon with RK lift will not fit past the first deck. I park in the designated "High Vehicle" parking. This is all of six spots on a pretty steep incline. I was coming out of work today and a woman in a Ford Fusion Hybrid. (Many not all Hybrid people tend to be rude. Just a bikers many experiences that has drawn me to this conclusion) She was parked up hill from my jeep as I was getting in. I hear a huge BOOM and a bit of percussion in my jeep. I got out and saw a women looking at her door with a very large divot in the side of her door (Think Half of a golf ball). She then proceeded to yell, "YOUR stupid car Dented my Hybrid" So I did what anyone would do at this point of absurdity, I laughed! I asked what were you doing. She yelled,"Why do you drive this monstrosity." I answered I use and have fun in my vehicle why do you drive your boring... hybrid." (I Should have not matched words) She then cussed me a few times and I did what any guy would have done at this absurdity,I laughed my ass off. I should include that as I laughed I flicked the blue paint chip off of my undamaged unscratched rock rail. I said as she was railing me, "I am glad I do not have to call the cops to report any damage that you may have caused. Thank God for my Monstrosity. You should thank me I helped your monthly insurance payments." She said very slowly with her finger pointed at my chest...."_ uck you!!! I kept laughing

But wait there is more....

She got in her car slammed the door twice because it did not close of the first try. She then quickly backed out and hit the concrete pillar. So I did what anyone would do at this point, I laughed until I was in tears...
Thanks James for making Hybrid proof Rock Rails at Hard Rock OffRoad!

I hope you enjoyed the finish of my Monday
Kind Regards

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Lmao. People get so amped up when they try to blame there problems on others. Haha! Glad you kept your cool! Making jeep peeps proud! :cheesy:
This is what i sold my wife on with the sliders. I said "side impact protection honey!" Haha

The nerve of some people!
Hahaha, that's too funny. I've pictured this happening before, but this is the first I hear of someone else dinging their door on a rock rail.

And it was a typical hybrid driver with a sense of self importance too. My answer to her "monstrosity" comment would also have mentioned how the gas the Jeep burns hurts the environment way less than building and disposing of the batteries and motors in her crap hybrid. That would have really got her going... and would have been funny to watch.

Thanks for sharing. Too bad no one caught this on camera, this could have been a classic youtube moment.
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