SC Flashpaq Crawl Tune Question


New member
Hey guys, I have a superchips flashpaq for my 2014 Jeep JKU. My question has to do with the crawl tune setting. Basically, how do you use it? Do you load it at the trailhead and then unloaded at the end of the trail? Or can you load it anytime and it would only engage when in four-wheel-drive? And for those who have used it, what is your impression of that tune? I asked the superchips rep when I saw him last year at the off-road Expo but he didn't seem too confident in what he was saying and he seemed unsure. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!
Hey guys, I have a superchips flashpaq for my 2014 Jeep JKU. My question has to do with the crawl tune setting. Basically, how do you use it? Do you load it at the trailhead and then unloaded at the end of the trail? Or can you load it anytime and it would only engage when in four-wheel-drive? And for those who have used it, what is your impression of that tune? I asked the superchips rep when I saw him last year at the off-road Expo but he didn't seem too confident in what he was saying and he seemed unsure. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!

I keep the 93 tune on and tune at the trail head. I usually forget to retune back to 93 until about 20 minutes down the road. I notice a difference in 4L. It isn't a huge difference but noticeably more power when needed. The best part is throttle response seems to be much quicker in those oh sh*t moments. I would recommend starting in stock tuning and switch halfway through the day so you can feel the difference.
Hey guys, I have a superchips flashpaq for my 2014 Jeep JKU. My question has to do with the crawl tune setting. Basically, how do you use it? Do you load it at the trailhead and then unloaded at the end of the trail? Or can you load it anytime and it would only engage when in four-wheel-drive? And for those who have used it, what is your impression of that tune? I asked the superchips rep when I saw him last year at the off-road Expo but he didn't seem too confident in what he was saying and he seemed unsure. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!

Subscribed because I plan on trying this out in an upcoming run and am curious what you think of it. :yup: I'm sure it's as subjective as what other people have said about the other tunes. (either "felt" little difference to holy crap!)

Thanks Creepr for your thoughts too. :thumb:
I have it but have yet to use it. I don't really think you need a different tune for 4 wheeling and honestly messing with the computer while out at a trail doesn't seem smart to me.
I have it but have yet to use it. I don't really think you need a different tune for 4 wheeling and honestly messing with the computer while out at a trail doesn't seem smart to me.

I live in ky and we wheel at off-road parks and never alone. I fully agree you should not try it the first time while on the trail or if you don't have an alternate way out. I could walk home from the park I typically wheel at.
I have it but have yet to use it. I don't really think you need a different tune for 4 wheeling and honestly messing with the computer while out at a trail doesn't seem smart to me.

I live in ky and we wheel at off-road parks and never alone. I fully agree you should not try it the first time while on the trail or if you don't have an alternate way out. I could walk home from the park I typically wheel at.

Yep, agreed. I guess to be more clear, I would certainly "try" it close to home first. There just isn't any place near home that would be similar to the trails we will be running. It would basically be some dirt roads with minor obstacles. I will be going to Hidden Falls with a group of WAL'ers in a couple months, not solo.

I haven't experienced any issues with my SC after the initial update on the PC/setting up Spark. That was a PITA! Is there a tendency for the SC to shut the Jeep down completely when changing tunes? If so, I won't bother. If it's not really much to write home about, again, won't bother.

It is never shut my Jeep down, but that's not to say it won't happen to you. I don't know of anyone that that has happened to but I could be wrong
Is there a tendency for the SC to shut the Jeep down completely when changing tunes? If so, I won't bother. If it's not really much to write home about, again, won't bother.


I have had an issue in the past where a tune didn't take correctly and left my jeep dead in the water, engine wouldn't start and the tuner wouldn't program anything. I called superchips customer service and they had me update the tuner and try reprogramming. It took a couple try's but I finally was able to get the computer to tune. Based on that experience I will never mess with tuning the computer while on atrial or even away from home for that matter.
I haven't had any problems with my SC tuner so far, but then again I just got it. I have had a car go down due to a tuner, SCT tuner bricked my mustang and it took just about a whole day with them taking remote access of my computer to finally fix it.
I have had an issue in the past where a tune didn't take correctly and left my jeep dead in the water, engine wouldn't start and the tuner wouldn't program anything. I called superchips customer service and they had me update the tuner and try reprogramming. It took a couple try's but I finally was able to get the computer to tune. Based on that experience I will never mess with tuning the computer while on atrial or even away from home for that matter.

I haven't had any problems with my SC tuner so far, but then again I just got it. I have had a car go down due to a tuner, SCT tuner bricked my mustang and it took just about a whole day with them taking remote access of my computer to finally fix it.

Point taken. Thanks! I certainly don't want to run into that issue.
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