School me on radios please

I'm seeing a crazy difficult I currently only use a CB because the club in the area I belong to only uses CB. The other club uses GMRS. I have been thinking on having both, buy the GMRS license and hopefully be able to communicate with both groups. For our family trips...we are all going GMRS... mostly for the greater range.

A maze is correct.

After speaking with some radio guys and the guy(was very helpful) who runs Powerwerxs here in the states I purchased the radio I linked previously. It will do GMRS and all VHF frequencies.
You are licensed... as I am... to use FCC Part 95 radios for GMRS only. We are Not "Allowed" to use a FCC Part 90 radios for HAM.... Nor is a licensed HAM user allowed to use a Part 90 HAM Radio with GMRS frequencies. This is just the Law according to the FCC.
100% truth. The way it is written is stupid. To follow the rules you would need multiple radios and licenses to use the different services. Depending on who you talk to race radios are already in a grey area with commercially owned frequencies.

What I can tell you is that I only have two radios in my Jeep. CB and HAM. I have a GMRS license and a technicians license for HAM.

It is possible to use one radio to talk on race, GMRS, and HAM. It is not legal due to the way the rules are written. But it can be done if you wanted to save some space/$$$. At the end of the day as long as you have a license for the frequency you are using it is going to be hard for anyone to know what equipment you are running.
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