Scott's build of "Satire"

You should get one of those performance serpentine belts from Summit. I read on the internet that they add more horsepower.
Already installed! Can't you tell a difference?! Here she is today:


Man this thing is fast!

I'm also toying with the idea of a Smittybuilt winch. I don't often need it but when I'm 20 miles into the backcountry, forgot to tell anyone where I was going, have enough food/water for one day, and am stuck at the bottom of a muddy hill with rain pouring down around me, I want to have the peace of mind that Smittybuilt has my back and can get me home safely.
Any updates on this piece of work?

You want an update!?! I'll give you an update. This thread pops up and I've never seen it before , so I read through, getting a chuckle here and there and then it happens. "Click the link" they said. "Look at the dick thread" they said. Right now I am curled up in the fetal position in the corner of my house wanting to go back to the happy times. It was awful, just awful.
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