Teraflex HD Hinge not flush?

I like it, this is how a forum is supposed to work!

OP asks a question. Member with first hand experience responds with feedback. OP makes a decision and goes on with life. :thumb:
I like it, this is how a forum is supposed to work!

OP asks a question. Member with first hand experience responds with feedback. OP makes a decision and goes on with life. :thumb:

Great, you know how forums work! Now please, go start your own and run it however you like. Perhaps you'll be as successful as Mr.Runner's is!
Self proclaimed or...? I never said that.

Here dude, have three small beer images. :beer: :beer: :beer:

Maybe I am mistaken. I thought that was you that had everyone on WAL figured out. Maybe it was the Porsche asshole. Either way, I'm not going back through this thing to figure out. You already stated that you remember why you never log in here. So why not make a habit of remembering why you don't log in here before you actually log in?
Maybe I am mistaken. I thought that was you that had everyone on WAL figured out. Maybe it was the Porsche asshole. Either way, I'm not going back through this thing to figure out. You already stated that you remember why you never log in here. So why not make a habit of remembering why you don't log in here before you actually log in?

Thanks for that insightful comment! Here are more beer images! :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
Sorry to let you down MR.Ty, but that's just the way life goes. Here - have a tiny image of a beer as consolation. :beer:

I'm a masochist, apparently. Here - you can have a tiny beer image as well. :beer:

Self proclaimed or...? I never said that.

Here dude, have three small beer images. :beer: :beer: :beer:

Thanks for that insightful comment! Here are more beer images! :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

Trying to get your post count higher I see....

Mine sits the same way. If you look through the gap with a flashlight you will see the hinge makes contact with the tailgate where it mounts. The gap is intentional so that rust does not develope.

Hope this helps. By the way, mine works fine and not a single rattle from the tailgate. I use the tailgate throughout the day so the single operation of this product is perfect for me.
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