Terrorist Attack in Manhattan


New member
A tragedy of the greatest magnitude this afternoon in Manhattan, 8 confirmed dead and 12+ injured. A rented Home Depot truck was used as a weapon to mow down innocent people.
Prayers to all those involved!!!

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I just posted this in another thread as well:

Another sad tradegy where innocent people were killed. The government needs to immediately take measures to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals. Stricter background checks should be performed before someone can rent a deadly, evil truck. The muffler's should not be silenced so much, if only the exhaust was louder, more people would have heard the attack coming. Also, the fuel tank capacity is too high! We must write our congressman immediately to submit bills reducing the fuel capacity of rental trucks so that less people are killed.
Seriously... these politicians don’t get it. You can’t stop evil with laws... Just got off the phone with my Sis... she lives in Manhattan. I stress with her being there. These are F’d up times. Coming soon to a city near you: Truck free zones.
We live in strange times...my wife and daughter were in London, contemplating walking over the Westminster Bridge 30 mins before the attack there...she was unable to cancel a prepaid lunch reservation at a Gordon Ramsey restaurant...otherwise they would have been in the middle of that.

My thoughts go out to the families and friends of these killed and injured in NYC...
I just posted this in another thread as well:

Another sad tradegy where innocent people were killed. The government needs to immediately take measures to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals. Stricter background checks should be performed before someone can rent a deadly, evil truck. The muffler's should not be silenced so much, if only the exhaust was louder, more people would have heard the attack coming. Also, the fuel tank capacity is too high! We must write our congressman immediately to submit bills reducing the fuel capacity of rental trucks so that less people are killed.

Totally speechless that you felt the need to post this twice hours after 8 people lost their lives to a deranged human being.
Totally speechless that you felt the need to post this twice hours after 8 people lost their lives to a deranged human being.

Why's that? The media does it every time there's a shooting. Yes it was sarcastic, however sincerely, I am sad for what happened and sad everytime some nutjob kills a bunch of innocent people. With that being said, this is a perfect EXAMPLE of the object of the tradegy having NOTHING to do with the sick and evil human being that did such a thing. Yet the media isn't talking about new truck laws nor banning trucks, etc. But if this were a gun, that is all we would be hearing about. This was a sarcastic post to expose how political the media makes shootings but doesn't take the political route when multiple people still die regardless of the object being used.
Why's that? The media does it every time there's a shooting. Yes it was sarcastic, however sincerely, I am sad for what happened and sad everytime some nutjob kills a bunch of innocent people. With that being said, this is a perfect EXAMPLE of the object of the tradegy having NOTHING to do with the sick and evil human being that did such a thing. Yet the media isn't talking about new truck laws nor banning trucks, etc. But if this were a gun, that is all we would be hearing about. This was a sarcastic post to expose how political the media makes shootings but doesn't take the political route when multiple people still die regardless of the object being used.

Well said. The anti gun nuts do it have a solution. It is already against the law to commit these acts. They just want to rile their base so they will contribute and keep them in power. Sick. Very sick.

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Totally speechless that you felt the need to post this twice hours after 8 people lost their lives to a deranged human being.

Dam man... pretty assuming of you to think he doesn’t have remorse. Clearly you missed the point... which was spot on.
Why's that? The media does it every time there's a shooting. Yes it was sarcastic, however sincerely, I am sad for what happened and sad everytime some nutjob kills a bunch of innocent people. With that being said, this is a perfect EXAMPLE of the object of the tradegy having NOTHING to do with the sick and evil human being that did such a thing. Yet the media isn't talking about new truck laws nor banning trucks, etc. But if this were a gun, that is all we would be hearing about. This was a sarcastic post to expose how political the media makes shootings but doesn't take the political route when multiple people still die regardless of the object being used.

I don’t condone anyone politicizing a tragedy. That includes people calling for gun control immediately after the numerous horrible events and you clearly politicizing this.

The media are clowns whose job it is to have opinions on literally everything. It’s disgusting when they or anyone try to take advantage of horrible situations and events, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

I didn’t see anyone here calling for gun control after the Las Vegas shooting, but if I had I would have spoken up against it then, as I’m sure you would have.
I just posted this in another thread as well:

Another sad tradegy where innocent people were killed. The government needs to immediately take measures to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals. Stricter background checks should be performed before someone can rent a deadly, evil truck. The muffler's should not be silenced so much, if only the exhaust was louder, more people would have heard the attack coming. Also, the fuel tank capacity is too high! We must write our congressman immediately to submit bills reducing the fuel capacity of rental trucks so that less people are killed.

This was my first thoughts also when I heard the news. The weapon of choice is not necessarily guns. The crime will still be committed.
Couldn't we just ban fully automatic transmissions and bump stops? :crazyeyes:

Whats what every media outlet was pushing after the Vegas incident right?
Couldn't we just ban fully automatic transmissions and bump stops? :crazyeyes:

Thats what every media outlet was pushing after the Vegas incident right?

This was the exact point of my sarcastic post. To expose how the media twists tragedy for their agenda. :thumb: Since this happened, I haven't seen any stories or headlines about how to make it more difficult for someone to get their hands on a truck.
This was the exact point of my sarcastic post. To expose how the media twists tragedy for their agenda. :thumb: Since this happened, I haven't seen any stories or headlines about how to make it more difficult for someone to get their hands on a truck.

And we never will. People love to push their agenda of things they hate. Even if those things are stupid.
Exactly! If a gun was involved, media and our representatives in DC would blame the gun and be calling for gun control, within seconds. But when no gun is used they'll blame the terrorist and simply call it a terrorist act.

The suspect in Manhattan had a pellet gun and paint ball gun. I'm surprised the media hasn't used this.

He was shot by an officer with a handgun.

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The media are clowns whose job it is to have opinions on literally everything.

Their job is to report factually what is going on in the world. I don't care if I agree with their opinion. I don't want to hear it. None of them do it, though, because they're all corrupt, spineless, twats.
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