This is what its about

RockIt Man

I like to enjoy both the occasional cigar as well as the occasional bourbon.

I can't believe that it has taken me this long to discover how well these two particular things go together

If you haven't tried drinking American Honey while enjoying a fine cigar, then you're just missing out on one of the finer points of life.....
I've always been a fan of sipping on a nice "sex on the beach" while smoking a menthol..........pinky up of course. Whoa wrong forum....:-/ !
Yes sir, a good cigar and some scotch (Le Glenvilet comes to mind) or perhaps some fine pipe tobacco and some whiskey. The simple things in life are often times the best.
Cigars are great! Until the next morning when your mouth taste like you ate cat shit out of the litter box. Still haven't figured out away to prevent that, so I only rarely have one now.

I bet AH is great with one though!
RockIt Man said:
Hey man. You in SA?

Yes sir! I saw ur n NB, not far from SA at all. I'm not a jk owner yet(2008 commander) but will b buying in the upcoming months hopefully.
Cigars are great! Until the next morning when your mouth taste like you ate cat shit out of the litter box. Still haven't figured out away to prevent that, so I only rarely have one now.

I bet AH is great with one though!

Smoke a more expensive cigar.
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