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Me and the lady friend test drove a trailhawk yesterday, I was impressed. She is strongly considering getting one in the coming months. Have any of you had any problems with them? Any news on when the skyview roof will be available?
We LOVE our TrailHawk and would highly recommend that she does get one. We've had some minor issues with hard shifting but, from what I understand, this was a programming issue and one that has been resolved. I have heard that Renegades with MySky are finally getting here and would think that she could get one with it installed.
I have seen some info from people complaining about rattles with the powered Mysky sun roofs. Dealerships are having issues with fixing them.
Alright good to know you love it so much. The salesman said that jeep was still working on fixing all the details on the MySky. Hopefully in the next couple months they will have it together for her
Just did an easy wheeling trip up argentine pass/McClellan mountain road. On the high side it's a 5/10 and on the low a 3/10. Overall it did extremely well and I was impressed. They were in a Cherokee trail hawk so I could see the renegade doing just as well.
I have seen some info from people complaining about rattles with the powered Mysky sun roofs. Dealerships are having issues with fixing them.

That's a shame but, I could see that being a problem. I think I still would have taken one had one been available
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