Unknown switches


New member
So I bought this jeep about a week back 03' wrangler and have no clue what these switches do, however The previous owner said it had a light on top (for snow plowing). I'm just not sure if the owner didn't disconnect these. Also the second switch is by the passengers feet and has and input of some sort. It does have a whip on it but it doesn't have a CB in it yet. I believe that it is all set up for a CB but it just needs to be installed. So Could these have something to do with these?


The green switch.


The one by the passengers feet.
The red and white cables look like rca cables. Is that a headphone jack next to the switch? Any chance this was for hooking an external audio source into the vehicle?
Possibly? I know there was a person that owned it before the guy I bought it from. All the speakers are blown so maybe someone was jamming in it with a aftermarket sub and blew the stock speakers and stock sub. That it my thought on why my speakers are blown and it would make sense if that is a port for a external audio port.
Whenever you are faced with sketchy aftermarket work, I think the best thing to do is trace all of the wires and remove everything. Maybe you can repurpose some of the stuff, maybe not.

I had a used Yukon that apparently once had a tv and inverter in the back. The bastard just cut the wires in the back and pulled the gear, leaving a hot 4 gauge wire tucked under the carpet.
The green switch has a light on the switch itself and the light turns on when I flip it but that's about all it seems to do. but I don't know about the other one
I found out that the switch by the passengers foot is a port to plug your phone into and if you set the radio to 89.9 and flip the switch, you can play the songs off your phone on your radio
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