Unrelated to Our Shock Testing Pics out in the Desert


Staff member
Call us crazy but Cindy and I just spent the last couple of days, out in the Nevada desert and to test out the new Ohlins shocks that we installed on our 392. That said, I thought it would be nice to post up a few pics that we took along the way and that had nothing to do with that testing 😁

Anyway, this first pic is from a stop we made along the shores of Walker Lake on our way out. Really happy to see how much it's risen thanks to the big winter we had.

Looking for some rough terrain to test on, we worked our way up this picturesque canyon.


Of course, we had to stop and check out some of the old stone cabins we found.




End of the road or legitimate one anyway but I have to say, it sure looked tempting to climb.

Out of the mountains and into the valley.

Just a little skin and a reminder that it's important to watch where we step.

Can ya feel it just by looking at it LOL

I think he may have laughed himself to death 😁


Heading up another canyon that hasn't seen tire tracks laid down in a very long time.

All that's left of this small mining town.

Something that Cindy just happened to stumble upon.

As you can see here, it's a jar from the McCormick & Company in Baltimore MD. It dates back to the late 1800s to early 1900s.

And finally, no better way to end a great trip out into the desert than to do it with a picon punch!


I know, it wasn't much but then, most of our time was spent testing and filming. Hope you'll check back soon for the video :)
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That way they can sell them at the local tourist shops :)
Actually they can't do that. What typically happens is they get tossed in a box and sent to a storage never to be seen again. Sometimes a museum or school will be interested in something. I worked with an archeologist who preferred people picked them up and shared it with others. Really the only time they go after someone picking up old stuff is if they are doing it to try to resell it or of your on a reservation and not of native American decent.
I miss these trip reports! Looks like another fun trip out in the desert. Glad it didn’t get too hot. The dad joke on the dead bull had me chuckling pretty good. Not enough to die though. 😂
Missed this one. Looks like a great trip.

And judging by the shape of your eyes Eddie, (more round than slant) that was not your first drink. 🤣
LOL - good eye (no pun intended)!

This was at the Hey Day Inn or at least, the bar side. We took your in laws there for dinner before and it's awesome. Food is pricey but the drinks are surprisingly cheap. Picon punches with a real kick only cost $5 🤪
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