Using a Renegade to find the good nudist & clothing optional campsites.


New member
We our retirement right around the corner my husband and I are ready to quite our fulltime jobs and start a venture that should be much more fun.
We have been active nudists for over 25 years and have stayed at most of the main line clothing optional campgrounds in the USA. We are now looking for those back wood, off the main road campgrounds and campsites that are not offended with us nudists being around. We already have a Winnebago motorhome and the Renegade will tag along behind and be used to get use into the offroad environments. We will be starting a blog site to share the sites with other nudists (or anyone else that might be interested).
Our question to all of you is what you think of the back trails' abilities are of the Renegade or would we be better with another option or model. any info will be great as we would rather make the right discission than the wrong one.
And if you know of any great camping sites that you want to share, we will for sure put them on our list of places to visit.
Since my husband is down at our Iowa property this weekend, I am going to walk down the street and meet our daughter for a couple of drinks and then I will check in a little later. Thanks for reading and maybe talk later. 19 (3).jpg
just got in from a couple of beers with our daughter and kicked back to relax with another cold one.
Good morning, everyone. hope everyone is doing well this morning.
My daughter and I went out last night but we didn't overdo it so we are doing well this morning.
She spent the night here at our house because we are heading out for a girl's day on the Harleys a little later.
Looks like a very nice day here in Minnesota and hope it is the same where you are at.
I had her snap a pic of me this morning since it is always better to see who you are talking to.
We would like to be out on the deck but still a little too cool yet this morning.
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The Renegade does not have a lot of suspension travel so it will suffer off-road (a wheel may be in the air), although it does have good 4WD.

A lot of people with RVs buy older Wranglers like the TJ because they are small and easy to tow. With a bit of searching you may be able to find one of these older models with modifications such as a long-arm kit to help extend suspension travel.

It is important to make it all the way to your clothing-free destination. 😀
We were born neckid so I say do what makes you happy. Welcome as far as the renegade it’s going to be a mild off road capable rig. A two door wrangler would be a better choice and still easy to tow.
use caution in southern Alabama and Kentucky when you see clothing optional
Signs 😳
The Renegade does not have a lot of suspension travel so it will suffer off-road (a wheel may be in the air), although it does have good 4WD.

A lot of people with RVs buy older Wranglers like the TJ because they are small and easy to tow. With a bit of searching you may be able to find one of these older models with modifications such as a long-arm kit to help extend suspension travel.

It is important to make it all the way to your clothing-free destination. 😀
thanks for the information and we thought the Renegade would be better once you get off the road than some of the other models.
We will look into it. thanks again
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