War of the words

When I eat at Taco Bell, I become an "Assault Weapon" and a "Weapon of Mass Destruction"

Just ask my wife. :eek:

Decent video. Although there are far better arguments out there... Like the one by Sam Harris.
Prime8 said:
But this link IS most definitely an argument... So in the context of this thread, it is an argument.

But of course, when you like to argue everything looks like an argument. :)
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Decent video. Although there are far better arguments out there... Like the one by Sam Harris.

I goggled Sam Harris and he seems like an interesting logical person. Which "argument" were you speaking of I would like to read it? :thumb:

I am not of the frame of mind that the video MTG posted portrays an argument per say but a very straight forward factual statement about how words are used to convey emotion and sway individuals to think a certain way about something. Basically how words/terminology/labels affect emotion.

Which is a better word; Bailout or Stimulus? :cheesy:

Thanks for sharing that Mike! His level headed approach to what can be a very touchy, emotional discussion is something we need more of.
I thought it was a great video. The pen is truly mightier than the sword and the abuse of language for the purpose of misinformation, or worse yet the proliferation of fear, is what I truly despise in both our media and our elected officials.

Well said

I thought it was a great video. The pen is truly mightier than the sword and the abuse of language for the purpose of misinformation, or worse yet the proliferation of fear, is what I truly despise in both our media and our elected officials.
I goggled Sam Harris and he seems like an interesting logical person. Which "argument" were you speaking of I would like to read it? :thumb:

I am not of the frame of mind that the video MTG posted portrays an argument per say but a very straight forward factual statement about how words are used to convey emotion and sway individuals to think a certain way about something. Basically how words/terminology/labels affect emotion.

Which is a better word; Bailout or Stimulus? :cheesy:


The Sam Harris article I mentioned is about gun control.

The YouTube link provided IS am argument. Not a "he pulled my hair!" "Nuh-uh!" type argument, but he chose a side of an issue and tried to apply supporting evidence. That is an argument.

And it most certainly is not "a very straight forward factual statement". There are very few facts in psychology, especially concerning emotional responses to specific stimuli. It was factual in the sense that the media certainly tries to manipulate people, but that's not news, we all already knew that. When you are used to reading journal papers, this guy just doesn't cut it.
Missed that. Thanks for posting it! I'm going to go check out those websites myself.

I had looked at the FBI crime stats site after all this stuff started. Very good info. I like the way the guy in the YouTube video presents the information.


This is the article Prime8 was speaking of. It is a good article and worth reading but it's long so be forewarned. He makes very good points about gun control, guns, and the issues related to violent crimes. Good thought provoking information.
I had looked at the FBI crime stats site after all this stuff started. Very good info. I like the way the guy in the YouTube video presents the information.


This is the article Prime8 was speaking of. It is a good article and worth reading but it's long so be forewarned. He makes very good points about gun control, guns, and the issues related to violent crimes. Good thought provoking information.

Thanks for posting. Looking up links on mobile is a pain... Haha.
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