Wave from Tucson


New member
After 4 years of saving and begging the husband, I finally got my Jeep. 2012, black forest green, 4d Sahara.
I feel like I'm dating again, we're getting to know each other, beginning to feel comfortable and safe, learning how to push all her buttons, and then testing how far I can push it before she breaks. Ha.
In the month I've had her we have hit the trails every weekend. Light trails, but still more than I've ever done. Tucson and the rest of Arizona has some amazing trails i cannot wait to see. This is going to be great. Now time to start saving so I can play even harder.

Here's to the beginning.
Not since my first car (1973 Baja Super Beetle) have I ever had an inclination to dive under a hood and really understand how all the pieces fit. Now I can't stop watching videos and then running out to the driveway to get a better look. Unfortunately, with modern technology, I don't think my talents of knowing how to fix clutch cables with clothes hangers will come in too handy. Also it is too bad my husband is not a car guy. I'm kinda on my own trying to get all this figured out.

Any good tech books out there for the 2012? Or will any of the old JK manuals work just fine?
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