What kind of pets do you have

Here are my two co-pilots on the move to GA. They actually pretended to like each other.
4 month old GSP & 18 month old Chihuahua. We've got a 18 yr old tabby cat, too. Here's Charlie


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My old girl named Alaska who passed away not to long ago and my new baby crocodile named dun-dee


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2 Great Danes the black one is 3yrs and the brown is 1yr and then my 9yr. old boxer
My 5yr old mare
13 year old thoroughbred

2 cats and a dead parrot buried by the barn.
What's wrong with using a bark collar?

I don't know but I don't like it..
Don't take it the wrong way but I teach my dog not to bark instated of giving him a electricity shock and if he not get it and keeps barking fuck it he can bark all day long if he needs to
I don't know but I don't like it..
Don't take it the wrong way but I teach my dog not to bark instated of giving him a electricity shock and if he not get it and keeps barking fuck it he can bark all day long if he needs to

Everybody trains differently. duh. :yup: I was curious why you dont like them. We use e-collar (not a bark collar) on our GSD but not as punishment. We (trainer and us) started him with a prong collar then incorporated the e-collar then went to e-collar for complete off leash obedience training. Started with pops on the prong, then left prong collar on and put e-collar on and used the stimulation so he connected a physical collar and the shock/stim. Then went to all/mostly stim. Positive pressure if how we train and the popping of the prong collar and stim from the e-collar is positive because when we do one or the other (pop of the prong/stim form e collar) he gets paid (food). So he associates shock/stim=food=food is yummy. He also gets mostly fed during training so his drive is food which will only happen if he does well. It is how our professional trainer/breeder works and it is how we work. We train 3 times a day. He does very well for a Czech (traditionally more difficult to train than other GSD lines). When he barks, we put him into obedience (sits/plats). He then stops most of the time unless he is extra-excited. If we like him barking (anytime inside the house/jeep), he gets paid (food or praise). Once he gets to adulthood he will get protection training which will include bark and holds so his barking will be more "controlled" but typically when he barks, if we want him to stop, we put him into some form of obedience. Does't work for all but it works very well with our stubborn (and actually very smart) boy. Even once he gets 100% with his obedience the e-collar will stay on in case there is that fluke moment where he bolts to the street and there is a car we can crank that collar up (0-127, we train 15-30) and force him to stop. Cheap insurance.
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Everybody trains differently. duh. :yup: I was curious why you dont like them. We use e-collar (not a bark collar) on our GSD but not as punishment. We (trainer and us) started him with a prong collar then incorporated the e-collar then went to e-collar for complete off leash obedience training. Started with pops on the prong, then left prong collar on and put e-collar on and used the stimulation so he connected a physical collar and the shock/stim. Then went to all/mostly stim. Positive pressure if how we train and the popping of the prong collar and stim from the e-collar is positive because when we do one or the other (pop of the prong/stim form e collar) he gets paid (food). So he associates shock/stim=food=food is yummy. He also gets mostly fed during training so his drive is food which will only happen if he does well. It is how our professional trainer/breeder works and it is how we work. We train 3 times a day. He does very well for a Czech (traditionally more difficult to train than other GSD lines). When he barks, we put him into obedience (sits/plats). He then stops most of the time unless he is extra-excited. If we like him barking (anytime inside the house/jeep), he gets paid (food or praise). Once he gets to adulthood he will get protection training which will include bark and holds so his barking will be more "controlled" but typically when he barks, if we want him to stop, we put him into some form of obedience. Does't work for all but it works very well with our stubborn (and actually very smart) boy. Even once he gets 100% with his obedience the e-collar will stay on in case there is that fluke moment where he bolts to the street and there is a car we can crank that collar up (0-127, we train 15-30) and force him to stop. Cheap insurance.

Lol... It's cool, not my business haha
I was just asking
I don't know but I don't like it..
Don't take it the wrong way but I teach my dog not to bark instated of giving him a electricity shock and if he not get it and keeps barking fuck it he can bark all day long if he needs to

That becomes a problem if you live in an apartment/condo/duplex and probably will mean you don't live there long. Also many cities will cite you if your dogs create "Nuisance Barking" this can lead to your dogs to be taken from you. I would always take a bark collar over my dogs being forcibly removed.

That being said, I prefer my dogs to bark now that I'm living in a house. I want people to think they may have issues if they mess with my home or family.
Brankz, I would do some kind of obedience training with your pup when he barks. It may not work/be for you but nuisance barking could get you in hot water/on the bad side of neighbors, other people, like stweasel said. It's not that I don't want a dog to be a dog (bark) but they need to know that there are limits when dad is around and does not require/need/want the barking. Just my two cents. I don't want any dog/animal to get the consequences of a complaint.

That being said, I prefer my dogs to bark now that I'm living in a house. I want people to think they may have issues if they mess with my home or family.

Exactly. Zero is just impressive with his hearing. His crate is in front of a window with plantation shutters that are always closed. We live on the corner of the major thoroughfare for our neighborhood. He knows the difference in someone parked in front/side (but not at the stop sign) of the house and passing cars. No idea how he does it. But regardless when he barks, I look outside to see what it is and usually a parked car or person walking. We always praise him. I want him to know that at home (and in our vehicles) he is allowed to bark until we tell him not to (visitors, deliveries, etc).

Now...let's see more pets!! :yup:
Brankz, I would do some kind of obedience training with your pup when he barks. It may not work/be for you but nuisance barking could get you in hot water/on the bad side of neighbors, other people, like stweasel said. It's not that I don't want a dog to be a dog (bark) but they need to know that there are limits when dad is around and does not require/need/want the barking. Just my two cents. I don't want any dog/animal to get the consequences of a complaint.

Exactly. Zero is just impressive with his hearing. His crate is in front of a window with plantation shutters that are always closed. We live on the corner of the major thoroughfare for our neighborhood. He knows the difference in someone parked in front/side (but not at the stop sign) of the house and passing cars. No idea how he does it. But regardless when he barks, I look outside to see what it is and usually a parked car or person walking. We always praise him. I want him to know that at home (and in our vehicles) he is allowed to bark until we tell him not to (visitors, deliveries, etc).

Now...let's see more pets!! :yup:

Obedience training starts with the owner..
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