Which drag link?


New member
Stock drag link is shot so time to upgrade, question is which one? Was leaning towards the Currie Correctlync. Running 2.5 lift so shouldn't need a draglink flip...correct me if I'm wrong though.
What makes you so sure your drag link is shot? I've got over 70,000 miles on mine and it's still works just fine :idontknow:

To answer your question, no, you don't need a flip with just 2.5" of lift. Also, the Currie drag link is really stout.
I've def got some wobble going on. I'm sure I need an alignment but I also went through the Death Wobble checklist just to be sure. All kinds of movement /clunking in the draglink. I've still got to retorque the trackbar before anything though. Also my steering stabilizer pissed all over the underside of the Jeep (maybe all over is a bit much but you get the point. Unless you think it could be something else...I'm all ears!
As mentioned, rotational movement in the TRE is totally normal. A shift side to side or up and down within the TRE means it's bad. If yours really is, I wouldn't hesitate to run another factory drag link as they are pretty cheap but, you can't go wrong with the Currie.
Oh it's def bad. When cycling the steering left and right you can feel the clunking and the up and down movement is crazy. Gives me a reason to upgrade...I may be on the east coast and don't wheel as hard as you guys but I'd rather upgrade and know I'm set. Thanks Eddie
After reading another recent post about same subject and Eddie saying he sticks with the stock drag link, I find myself leaning more and more to stock as well. Think the money would be better suited to upgrade something else like the tie rod perhaps when it goes bad. No to find pen replacement...
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