You know your a Jeep driver when....

Very cool. The pictures are a good addition.

I compiled this list back in the late '90s of ways to tell if you are a real Jeep owner. I won't take credit for the statements, just putting them all together.


1. It says Jeep on the sides…
2. You go to get the Sunday paper and come back on Monday without it!
3. It takes more than 6 hours to get donuts…
4. You use the same hose to clean the inside and the outside…
5. You own it outright…
6. When the best route from point A to point B is through the mud…
7. When a scratch or a dent is a beauty mark…
8. You roll it over and look for it's thingy…
9. Your mom and sister can't get in without help…
10. You judge every hill you see by how much fun it would be to climb…
11. You search for trails in a USAF helicopter!
12. You puke when you see a Geo Tracker…
13. When you know what the wave is and you use it…
14. You get custom pin-striping from trail brush…
15. When a low-rider Jeep pulls up next to you and you get out and slap the driver…
16. When you pull into the un-plowed parking spots on snowy days…
17. When you take your friends wheeling and they say "What trail –I don't see a trail!"…
18. When you've been forced to add TJ, CJ, YJ and XJ to your spell-checker…
19. Your friends won't ride with you 'cause they don't want to wind up in the desert in the middle of the night…
20. When your boss's secretary calls to “recommend” that you wash your Jeep.
21. When you wash the mud off and everyone thinks you bought a new Jeep…
22. When you can see OVER a Suburban…
23. You carry emergency supplies and clothing because you never know where you will end up…
24. When your nerf bars battle rocks… and win!
25. When it rains and you leave your tops and doors off.
26. When you drive around to look at Christmas lights topless…
27. When you change your plugs in the parking lot at work on a break…
28. If your “Parts Dept.” is on blocks behind your house…
29. When you take your Mom wheeling and she has to help you flip the Jeep back onto its wheels again…
30. When you use an ice-scraper on the INSIDE of the windshield…
31. When you get more heat from holes in the floorboards than through the heater vents…
32. When every page of your repair manual has greasy fingerprints….
33. If your passengers scream “DON'T ROLL IT!!!” when you take them wheeling…
34. When you spend more time under your Jeep than under your significant other…
35. When winter comes and you can't remember where you left the roof…
36. When you spend more on car washes than on insurance…
37. Even worse…the car wash won't let you in!!!
38. When you complain about everything but smile when you fix everything yourself…
39. When you think Mud Brown should be a factory paint color…
40. When you feel sorry for someone in a $60,000 Toyota Land Cruiser…
41. When you have all your credit card numbers memorized…
42. When you slam the door and part of your Jeep crumbles to the ground…
43. If you get asked to pick up your co-workers in a snowstorm… and get paid for it…
44. When your wife/girlfriend refuses to get in it!
45. When you’re the only one on your street who doesn't plow/shovel their driveway...
46. When a smile appears on your face when the weather forecast calls for massive amounts of snow in your area...
47. When you and the service manager at the Jeep dealership are on a first name basis...
48. When you are the only one in the area who doesn't want to see the state plow the highways.
49. When you and everyone in the parts department at the Jeep dealership are on a first name basis; and they laugh when they see you coming in again.
50. When you have a standing 10% discount for high volume sales at the local parts stores.
51. When the roads are closed for "Emergency Purposes" and the only ones foolish enough to be fourwheeling outside at 4am on a Sunday are you and other jeep owners
52. When you can't hear your $5000 stereo at highway speeds due to tire noise.
53. When going topless means only one thing
54. When you have a sunburn in April.
55. When you here the words "4 play" you think of your Jeep!
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