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  • Not sure what it is by, but i spent 6 days out there visiting a friend and almost made the chocie to move out there but didnt becuase right now at this point with my kids being 4 and 6 but at the time 3 and 5 i couldnt move the 10 or more hours away from them, was thinking about getting a fresh start out there but wasnt ready to give up the kids ;)
    Good afternoon Eddie. I was wondering if you make your own stickers or do you have someone making them for you. I was going to order some silver state JK, and noticed a 2 week delay, and unable to add to a cart. I have a friend that can make your design and keep up with your demand if you are interested. I'm very thankful for all the info that you have provided on this and jk wrangler fourms. Thank you. Ricky.
    Hey Eddie, when we going to have the pleasure to see the videos from last years EJS?
    Hey is there a thread started to submit a video of the Blackhills Run a few of us did last year?
    Hi Eddy,

    Thanks for a great site. I have just taken delivery of my 2011 Detanator Yellow Rubicon. Now, I would like to get a set of decals for the fenders... As you can see I am a good couple of thousand miles away from you.... South Africa. what would the possibility be of sending a jpeg of the decal so that I can have it cut here?

    Hey Eddie
    Looks like you have taken on yet another project I like the look the of the forum good luck.

    Hey Eddie! Thanks for setting up another forum!

    So I am thinking sometime in August some of the Great Lakes Guys from the JK-Forum and A few from Canada are going to be making a journey out to Ouray Area. I wanted to touch base with you to see if you wanted to join in on the Madness maybe show us some wicked trails. I went out there once in July 2010 but I know I did not scratch the surface to the trails I could. I ran Imogene, Engineer pass, poughkeepsie only up to the wall didnt have a winch so i could not get up it!!!. I was not able to run black bear because of all the rain I got stuck in a rock slide and almost was washed off the shelf road so I wasnt even going to think about running it. Let me know your thoughts I am planning on taking two weeks off to maybe a trip out to Rubi Trail/Moab might be in order also!!

    Talk to you soon!
    Jake Thomas
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