A wonderful life


Active Member
Most of you probably know my wife has fought cancer for a couple years. My beautiful wife left this earth to be in heaven. I had the best 28 years of a wonderful life with her. I miss her every second, devastated and now half of me is gone. She fought as hard as she could and was more sudden than any of us expected. I think that’s what makes it so hard. She was 51.
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Most of you probably know my wife Michelle has fought cancer for a couple years. My beautiful wife left this earth to be in heaven at 240 pm on Sept 28 2023. I had the best 28 years of a wonderful life with her. I miss her every second, devastated and now half of me is gone. She fought as hard as she could and was more sudden than any of us expected. I think that’s what makes it so hard. She was 51.
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very sorry for your loss. We’ll never understand why good people are taken from this earth so early. Take comfort in the fact you were lucky enough to share 28 years with her and that she blessed the earth for 51. Condolences to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss Sir. You were a loving and supportive husband to the very end. Prayers to you and your family.
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