Bird in the Garage - How do I Get it Out?


Staff member
So, a few days ago, I was working in the back garage and out of the blue, a couple of pigeons flew in and made themselves at home. Fortunately, with Cindy's help and a couple of brooms, we were able to get them to fly out. Well, yesterday, I went into the garage, opened up a door and sure as shit, the same two birds flew right back in! This time, with a LOT of effort, we were able to get one to fly out but the other is just too scared or stupid to figure it out. Any of you had to deal with something like this before and if so, got any suggestions on how to get this guy out? I am literally beat from running around and swinging a broom in the air LOL.

Expensive option:

View attachment 373273

Cheaper option:

View attachment 373275

I've never tried option 1, but I have tried option 2 with good luck.
LOL - I'd like to use option 1 but I'm afraid I might miss and blow the roof off my garage.

Option 2 is what Cindy was thinking. Is that something you were able to find locally? I'd hate to have to wait until Amazon delivers something like it to get rid of this guy.
Two words. Pellet gun. Sorry I hate those sky rats. My cat has figure out how to get on our roof and has been doing a good job of keeping them away now...haha.
Yeah, that thought crossed my mind as well. May have to resort to that.
spray vinegar where they are claiming their spot(s) and an air horn, wear ear protection (don't ask how I know lol)

to keep birds out in general, I use to use 1 foot stringer of old shiny spinners, guess the light bouncing off of them in the breeze spooks birds
LOL - I'd like to use option 1 but I'm afraid I might miss and blow the roof off my garage.

Option 2 is what Cindy was thinking. Is that something you were able to find locally? I'd hate to have to wait until Amazon delivers something like it to get rid of this guy.
I had one years ago for fishing. Can't remember where I got it. But I would imagine Bass Pro Shops or a fishing store might have one.
spray vinegar where they are claiming their spot(s) and an air horn, wear ear protection (don't ask how I know lol)

to keep birds out in general, I use to use 1 foot stringer of old shiny spinners, guess the light bouncing off of them in the breeze spooks birds
The problem is the back garage is really big and this guy is flying all over it. Any time I walk up to him, he flys off again. The worst part is that even with all the garage doors open, he just sits on top of them. :rolleyes:
Seriously though… Open the door(s)… throw down some bread crumbs, then stand in the back with a leaf blower in one hand and a broom in the other… when he comes down.. go ape shit..

Cindy will need to be recording so we can judge your performance. 😂
The problem is the back garage is really big and this guy is flying all over it. Any time I walk up to him, he flys off again. The worst part is that even with all the garage doors open, he just sits on top of them. :rolleyes:
chase it with a vinegar super soaker

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