Hey from Feira, Portugal


New member
Well as i said I'm from Feira a small city in Portugal despite of not owning a Wrangler i hope i will be able to have one one day in my life.

But i just love the videos the companionship that you guys show for one another the spirit etc..

For anyone that wants to know Portugal IS NOT part of Spain heheh https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Feir...=feira,&t=h&hnear=Feira,+Aveiro,+Portugal&z=6

At the moment i drive a TLC BJ40 with no off-road preparation like the ones you guys have over there.. just a 33x12-5x15 wheels and some small things but ill get there with time :yup:

Follows some photos of it:






Hope you like it and don't get mad at me by not owning a jeep hehehe
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