How is shit like this acceptable?

It seems to me it's really about a lack of tolerance of other peoples views. In a lot of cases the people most vocally preaching tolerance have the least tolerance if you disagree with them.

Very true: If you don't agree with my view, then you're a "_______".
True that. As in rednecks and religion.

Not just rednecks and religion..
I've heard intolerance from people of different races, political persuasions, genders etc. I disagree with lots of people but I don't wish them harm or call them racist of fascist..
Lots of people can't do that. Those ads are a good example of people that can't "live and let live"

Absolutely, but the difference in this instance is that the Obama deal was done by one or at most a couple of idiotic assholes whereas the Trump ad is an actual planned promotion by a company and evidently accepted and approved by a billboard company.

IDK, this just struck me as totally misguided and offensive in general, not because of a political ideology. It's one thing for an individual to do a mashup on their own, but for a company to embrace something like this is surprising.

Oh, I agree.

Not just rednecks and religion..
I've heard intolerance from people of different races, political persuasions, genders etc. I disagree with lots of people but I don't wish them harm or call them racist of fascist..
Lots of people can't do that. Those ads are a good example of people that can't "live and let live"



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Every time I see this kind of BS: in the news media, on late night talk shows, SNL, etc, etc.... I see Immature Cry Babies that think they are relevant... nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes it’s funny... but mostly just sad & ridiculous. Liberals are only hurting themselves.
Wouldn’t this be an ad of treason? Overthrowing the president? But let me guess... it’s “freedom of speech”
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Wouldn’t this be an ad of treason? Overthrowing the president? But let me guess... it’s “freedom of speech”

I’m not an expert, like Sharkey, but it is free speech. What DDays said rings true. It’s in poor taste, and a business shouldn’t do something like that. I guess their customers are all girly men and manly women.

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Dunno, but Jane Fonda did worse and got away with her bullshit. Set a fine precedent.

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That is true...

I’m not an expert, like Sharkey, but it is free speech. What DDays said rings true. It’s in poor taste, and a business shouldn’t do something like that. I guess their customers are all girly men and manly women.

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It really is terrible taste no matter your political stance. I get that not everyone will like who is in office, but have some sort of respect. We are certainly better off than if someone else was elected to take office.
That is true...

It really is terrible taste no matter your political stance. I get that not everyone will like who is in office, but have some sort of respect. We are certainly better off than if someone else was elected to take office.
Absolutely! I abhorred the eight years preceding President Trump. But, I respected the office and endured it without ever wishing harm on you know who...
I believe this nation is in big trouble. When Pres. Trump's term ends, either by not being re-elected or eight years up, my fear is the turn will be hard left.
GOD help us if it does...
Hearts must be changed to save the Nation.
I agree that the ad is in poor taste. In my opinion, and I’m sure it’s not a popular one in this thread, our current president has said some pretty offensive and tacky things himself. If Trump cared about being attacked in ads (I’m sure he doesn’t), he should set an example of leadership by leading with class. Just sayin’

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I agree that the ad is in poor taste. In my opinion, and I’m sure it’s not a popular one in this thread, our current president has said some pretty offensive and tacky things himself. If Trump cared about being attacked in ads (I’m sure he doesn’t), he should set an example of leadership by leading with class. Just sayin’

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I agree with you for sure. Trump is digging his own hole. Im not saying I do or don’t like him. But We as a nation should not accept stooping this low.

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