Which fire extinguisher would you use?

Get rid of that shit asap. Halon will ruin your life faster than any fire if it gets in your lungs. Saw it happen first hand on the Flightline.
Facts. Halon displaces oxygen so you pretty much need to use a gas mask to make sure it doesn't get in your lungs and suffocate you.
But what about those videos of the Halon rep standing in the computer server room with the system activated saying it's harmless?.... :crazyeyes:
Letting people know the dangers of Halon isn’t exactly useless.
but since we are talking about uselessness and death... I find ALL compact fire extinguishers to be useless for vehicle fires and they should only be used to put fires out on humans if needed. Most likely the vehicle is done and not savable if even a small fire starts anyway.
How many rookies have you seen run up to a fully involved engine fire with their ABC extinguisher from their trunk...haha.

If it's small you can knock it down quick, if not get the people out, run away (dive into the ditch in super slow mo as it explodes), and let it burn.
How many rookies have you seen run up to a fully involved engine fire with their ABC extinguisher from their trunk...haha.

If it's small you can knock it down quick, if not get the people out, run away (dive into the ditch in super slow mo as it explodes), and let it burn.
Oh man. Damn near every single one. lol
My eyes rolled so hard on this reply I got a good look at my own ass.
A lot of things can kill you, but the topic on hand is fire extinguishers. Not shark attacks, not a plane crash, not a million things that can kill you. Just fire extinguishers.
Point number 2, you repeated exactly what I said.
We aren’t all as experienced as Eddie here. I’m certainly not. I’m not going to keyboard warrior you either. My life is better than that. I’ll just say to stay on topic. Don’t say someone’s advice is useless and then repeat 2 of their points.
Happy Thanksgiving.
My point was that a Halon extinguisher IS BC. So if you are going to get dramatic about it without providing an alternative BC extinguisher, then your statement is just to show off your knowledge about Halon, and that doesn't help much. Anyone who uses a tool without understanding it is a moron and should stay home. I have been around Halon for 30 years. I guess I should have put a disclaimer on my original post saying:
(Warning: The state of California has determined that Halon is dangerous to your health)
I thought Halon was actual a very good fire extinguisher and didn't damage equipment its just got a bad rep because they replaced a lot of systems that were in enclosed spaces like ships and electrical rooms. Also it got banned during the "Ozone hole" days.
My point was that a Halon extinguisher IS BC. So if you are going to get dramatic about it without providing an alternative BC extinguisher, then your statement is just to show off your knowledge about Halon, and that doesn't help much. Anyone who uses a tool without understanding it is a moron and should stay home. I have been around Halon for 30 years. I guess I should have put a disclaimer on my original post saying:
(Warning: The state of California has determined that Halon is dangerous to your health)
Purple K. BC. Very effective. In California, it would come with the same disclaimer. I haven’t searched hard, 2.5 lb is the smallest I’ve seen.
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