Firestik Antenna


New member
So I installed my CB today and realized that the Firestik antenna a friend had given me over a year ago is the Firestik KW antenna and is not a Firestik II like I thought. For those that do not know the difference, a KW does not have a tunable screw knob on top like a Firestik II.

Now I only know all this info because of what I had read and now here is the question:

This weekend I am tuning the antenna with a friend. Has anyone ever tuned the KW antenna? I am understanding that you basically have to cut off the top. If anyone has tuned a KW what was the best cutting tool? Last, should I just by one that has the tunable knob?
So I installed my CB today and realized that the Firestik antenna a friend had given me over a year ago is the Firestik KW antenna and is not a Firestik II like I thought. For those that do not know the difference, a KW does not have a tunable screw knob on top like a Firestik II.

Now I only know all this info because of what I had read and now here is the question:

This weekend I am tuning the antenna with a friend. Has anyone ever tuned the KW antenna? I am understanding that you basically have to cut off the top. If anyone has tuned a KW what was the best cutting tool? Last, should I just by one that has the tunable knob?

What do you need to know? you don't literally cut the antenna.
How do you shorten a KW then? It doesn't have a adjustment top. From what I read online you actually cut the top off slightly. Is that incorrect?
Take the white cover off the top and snip of a coil then put cap back on and check swr. Then repeat until you are happy with swr. Don't check it inside your garage or next to building.
Take the white cover off the top and snip of a coil then put cap back on and check swr. Then repeat until you are happy with swr. Don't check it inside your garage or next to building.

Got it. I am assuming the guy that gave it to me used it before so hopefully he didn't cut too much off for my use. We will see. Thanks for the info.
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