App update

Having issues seeing the pics. They show up but multiple of the same pic when the should be different


Anyone else having this issue?

Uninstalled and re-installed multiple times

Running on iphone ios 7.0.4 (11b554a)
As far as I know that is a glitch in the app and it seems to happen only (or at least for me) with Eddie's and Cindy's posts. They know about it and are looking into it, although there may not be a fix. Anyway, I get around it by opening the post in Safari instead of the app.
As far as I know that is a glitch in the app and it seems to happen only (or at least for me) with Eddie's and Cindy's posts. They know about it and are looking into it, although there may not be a fix. Anyway, I get around it by opening the post in Safari instead of the app.

:yup: same for me.
I have an android. Pics do not show up. It just shows a box where the pic should be. It happens on all threads.
So I have to use the computer if I wanna see them.

Sent from an electronic thingy...
Uninstall the app and reinstall. I was having the same problem on my Android.

Sent from my MB865 using WAYALIFE mobile app
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