Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

My "injustice"?! That is classic! :cheesy:

Sorry. I just don't see it that way. He is being treated just like anyone else gets treated here. In fact, he even said it best himself...

For the record I don't support singling out anyone. But as I've said time and time again I will call it as I see it. If that makes anyone think less of me, so be it. Oh and I'll assure you I'm not mad at anyone. The internet, and this forum, is my interim relief from life, not my life. My advice? People shouldn't conflate the two.

Plus he seems like a good mechanic with some good information. :yup: That is up until the time he made up that bullshit story about the poll and went about changing his posts to fit the story he concocted hoping he wouldn't get caught. I mean really, that would have been sad if it wasn't so pathetic. :grayno:

Perfectly said.
its eddie and cindy's call i agree. but come on guys, going this far for a joke. its overboard.

You are in the vocal minority here Tig. Let it go. Your not going to get anywhere trying to prove your point.

MTG has made some strong points here.

Beside this has been coming for some time.

- Jason
I'm not in any crowd.

Perfectly said.

ok how about this how about we go to his house shoot up his jeep, his house then drag him out beat the crap out of him all because he started a poll and failed to uphold to it... not like any one of you have ever failed to uphold a single promise in your lives... :Disappointed: if im taking it to seriously so what thats my problem in fact all my words are falling on deaf ears.
You are in the vocal minority here Tig. Let it go. Your not going to get anywhere trying to prove your point.

MTG has made some strong points here.

Beside this has been coming for some time.

- Jason

i agree with all you have to say here. but this doesnt look right to me, and i have always tried to stand up for whats right no matter how alone i am. i know there are some here who can appreciate that.
ok how about this how about we go to his house shoot up his jeep, his house then drag him out beat the crap out of him all because he started a poll and failed to uphold to it... not like any one of you have ever failed to uphold a single promise in your lives... :Disappointed: if im taking it to seriously so what thats my problem in fact all my words are falling on deaf ears.

Whoa. "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing" ey? It all makes sense now Tiggy.

And come on, that last sentence was punny!
Whoa. "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing" ey? It all makes sense now Tiggy.

And come on, that last sentence was punny!

yeah it sure was but giving my hearing loss i hear more then you and thats truly sad! i do feel for you guys. perhaps by not replying he simple means he is done with it and wants it left in the past and yet everyone here keeps digging it up with a backhoe round the clock.

to explain the quote its in regards to building up your vehicle, whatever it may be, a racer, a jeep, a truck for hauling sod on the weekends. hell its what we all live for!
i agree with all you have to say here. but this doesnt look right to me, and i have always tried to stand up for whats right no matter how alone i am. i know there are some here who can appreciate that.

I can appreciate sticking up for what's right. But you have to understand that for someone with power to do this they must have been offended or angry enough to do it. If it's a mistake then it will most likely be fixed. But in this house they have the power and that's gonna rule overall. Bantering leads no where. You can trust that they had a reason or judge how they handle it. That's at least how I see it
ok how about this how about we go to his house shoot up his jeep, his house then drag him out beat the crap out of him all because he started a poll and failed to uphold to it... not like any one of you have ever failed to uphold a single promise in your lives... :Disappointed: if im taking it to seriously so what thats my problem in fact all my words are falling on deaf ears.

Me personally I'd rather just have a few :beer: or maybe some :honey: around a warm campfire. :yup:

i agree with all you have to say here. but this doesnt look right to me, and i have always tried to stand up for whats right no matter how alone i am. i know there are some here who can appreciate that.

I'm with you here. I just see it differently, and that's okay...people can have different opinions.

perhaps by not replying he simple means he is done with it and wants it left in the past and yet everyone here keeps digging it up with a backhoe round the clock.

I think he knows what he should do to burry this once in for all, but I think he is reluctant to do it. And again, that's okay, it's his choice, but right or wrong, my guess is he will continue to get shit for it if he keeps logging on here while trying to remain anonymous and not confronting it.

Of course all of the above is just my :twocents: after a few cocktails. :D Take it for what it's worth. :yup:
I can appreciate sticking up for what's right. But you have to understand that for someone with power to do this they must have been offended or angry enough to do it. If it's a mistake then it will most likely be fixed. But in this house they have the power and that's gonna rule overall. Bantering leads no where. You can trust that they had a reason or judge how they handle it. That's at least how I see it

i cannot ignore your well made point. so mods and admins, what was done for him to have his posts redirected? what is your reason for this?
Me personally I'd rather just have a few :beer: or maybe some :honey: around a warm campfire. :yup:

I'm with you here. I just see it differently, and that's okay...people can have different opinions.

I think he knows what he should do to burry this once in for all, but I think he is reluctant to do it. And again, that's okay, it's his choice, but right or wrong, my guess is he will continue to get shit for it if he keeps logging on here while trying to remain anonymous and not confronting it.

Of course all of the above is just my :twocents: after a few cocktails. :D Take it for what it's worth. :yup:

i thank you for being civil about this. and could you state for the record what it would take to resolve this? because i feel responsible this started with him sticking up for me...
Why would mods and admins have to explain anything to you? What's the reason for this?

Simple I want this resolved, this has upset many people myself included. all there is left at this point is for it to be resolved and everyone buries it and we go on to build each other up.
Simple I want this resolved, this has upset many people myself included. all there is left at this point is for it to be resolved and everyone buries it and we go on to build each other up.

There is one person who can resolve this. It's pretty simple.

Also this is an Internet forum, you will not meet 90% of the people on here, don't take things so seriously.
Also this is an Internet forum, you will not meet 90% of the people on here, don't take things so seriously.

So what Tig is pushing for is a friendly, tight knit community of Jeepers. Personally I give him props for wanting to see this squashed and just having everyone move on with their Jeep related conversations.

If thats not the overall goal of a forum based community, idk what is. Bottom line is this: this thread is stupid and if it weren't for it popping up in my unread participated section every 30 seconds, I wouldn't even be posting right now.

So and so doesn't like Army_Vet. Whoopdee fucking doo. Now that we have established that I'm moving on with my life. So should everyone else.

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
So what Tig is pushing for is a friendly, tight knit community of Jeepers. Personally I give him props for wanting to see this squashed and just having everyone move on with their Jeep related conversations.

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.

Im going to go against adams advice to never take anything on the internet seriously and take this very seriously. this is my point! we are hear to help each other out and enjoy life. to me that means building each other up! so if someone failed to keep a promise and one mod is all butthurt from it then remember how many promises you have failed to keep. well all screw up, we all deserve forgiveness! you may now resume your normal scheduled jeep modification!
Im going to go against adams advice to never take anything on the internet seriously and take this very seriously. this is my point! we are hear to help each other out and enjoy life. to me that means building each other up! so if someone failed to keep a promise and one mod is all butthurt from it then remember how many promises you have failed to keep. well all screw up, we all deserve forgiveness! you may now resume your normal scheduled jeep modification!

Bro! You really have to chill
And don't care about it, I can't understand what you're off!

Like Adam says you don't know 90+ % of people in this forum so why take it serious
This isn't promise keepers and you have to ask for forgiveness. Just sayin'

Nobody is going to beg anyone to stay, go, or leave. Everyone should get over how relevant they think they are. Really nobody gives a fuck.

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