AEV procal or super chips flashcal?


New member
Which should I get when I get my new tires? Which one is the better product AEV is 30 dollars more
I have the procal and it allows various changes as well as adjusting the speedo, for example you can adjust or turn on/off the tyre pressure warning, daylight running and more.
I think they are very similar for the most part. Each has a couple feature the other does not, but they will both do their job well. I cant apeak on the AEV, but i love my superchips. To each their own
Ahh that didn't help much haha I guess they're both good. which one would be more useful for a 2010? I don't think the daytime running lights affect my model
I'm not a big fan of the procal. It does it's job but without the template or cheat shit, it's useless. Have not use the Superchip.
I'm not a big fan of the procal. It does it's job but without the template or cheat shit, it's useless. Have not use the Superchip.

I have a 2010 and the Superchips, it's served me well.

That's what I was thinking I feel like the display will aide in ease of use and if the procal doesn't have any extra features than I may go with the superchip
I think you are also able go upgrade the Suoerhip up to their tuner down the road if you want. At least that's what I've heard that it's upgradable
Not sure if this is still true with the newer models but the ProCal is the only unit that allows you to turn OFF the swaybar light. But now I see you don't have a Rubi so non issue. Also the pro cal allows you to see dead center on your steering wheel. :beer:
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