Sam Adams Light?


New member
I am traditionally a Coors Light guy, but cruising through Costco last night I saw Sam Adam's Light. Never seen that before.

I am trying to switch American owned beer companies. From what I can tell, that pretty much narrows it down to Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, and PBR. I like PBR, but I'm generally not into dark or fancy beers and prefer a light beer. SO, my question is.... has anyone with similar wimpy beer taste to mine tried Sam Adam's Light? If so, how was it?
I am traditionally a BL guy so my beer tastes are just as wimpy as yours and I liked the Sam Adams Lite. Just thought it a bit expensive for a Lite Beer. But it isnt bad. And if you stopped shopping at Costco, your american beer selection would grow a bit. Rumor has it the Coors is on its way out of Costco as well...

andrew -
Thanks for the input Andrew. I think I'll give it a try, but I'll start with a smaller package store for sure.

:eek::grayno::thinking: What would I do with my Sunday mornings then?

Curious to see how the beer tastes.

Well maybe I should have stated, "stopped shopping at Costco for your beers.....". That should still give you a good 2 hours to wander and sample random casserole dishes....

andrew -
I am traditionally a Coors Light guy, but cruising through Costco last night I saw Sam Adam's Light. Never seen that before.

I am trying to switch American owned beer companies. From what I can tell, that pretty much narrows it down to Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, and PBR. I like PBR, but I'm generally not into dark or fancy beers and prefer a light beer. SO, my question is.... has anyone with similar wimpy beer taste to mine tried Sam Adam's Light? If so, how was it?

Coors its my favorite:thumb:, but haven't tried Sams yet waiting to hear more. :beer::beer::beer: after a few they all taste good to me :yup:
I like Sam Adams, so I liked the light version. A similar taste just....lighter. Also like Coors Light, but it's lighter than SAL.

But we are talking about light beer so can't have super high expectations.
I am traditionally a Coors Light guy, but cruising through Costco last night I saw Sam Adam's Light. Never seen that before.

I am trying to switch American owned beer companies. From what I can tell, that pretty much narrows it down to Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, and PBR. I like PBR, but I'm generally not into dark or fancy beers and prefer a light beer. SO, my question is.... has anyone with similar wimpy beer taste to mine tried Sam Adam's Light? If so, how was it?

It's GOOD!:drinks:
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