Calling out Bruiser Conversions!

I'd love to find a civil lawyer. At this point I've just been documenting everything and as of right now the LS is working fine. But like I said I'm documenting everything and if it needs to get to that I'll hire a lawyer.

You can't claim consumer fraud if you willingly go back to said business again, obviously you didn't feel defrauded.
You can't claim consumer fraud if you willingly go back to said business again, obviously you didn't feel defrauded.

That's why I don't have a lawyer. But if the LS ends up being bad too, then I have more documentation and more of a case. I have given them more than enough opportunities to make it right. I'd much rather have my Jeep work than having to take legal action, though...
...I have given them more than enough opportunities to make it right. I'd much rather have my Jeep work than having to take legal action, though...

I'd have to agree with you there. You've gone through all the motions of working with them, if they quit at some point along the way, its on them.

I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US. Especially if the shop I'm working with is doing what they can to deliver me a quality product.
I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US. Especially if the shop I'm working with is doing what they can to deliver me a quality product.

Interesting logic. Jump on the easy fat girl with a disease down the street rather than dating the hot girl from across town. Whatever works for you I guess.
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I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US.
Well that is a retarded statement! There are good shops all across the US. How about finding one of those or just maybe do it yourself? You must have a lot of time on your hands if that's how you deal with problems. Most of us would rather be doing something other than constantly dealing with issues that shouldn't be.
I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US. Especially if the shop I'm working with is doing what they can to deliver me a quality product.

WTF? :thinking:

I hereby nominate this for consideration of dumb statement of the day award.
WTF? :thinking:

I hereby nominate this for consideration of dumb statement of the day award.

I second the nomination and recommend it to a vote.

I also motion to recommend Sharkey's response as the hilarious statement of the day.
I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US. Especially if the shop I'm working with is doing what they can to deliver me a quality product.

This makes absolutely no sense. You would rather your shit break over and over again than making more of an initial effort to begin with. I can't understand this at all lol
I'd rather take a shitty shop thats close and I can keep going back for them to fix it, than a great shop across the US. Especially if the shop I'm working with is doing what they can to deliver me a quality product.

This makes absolutely no sense. You would rather your shit break over and over again than making more of an initial effort to begin with. I can't understand this at all lol

Along with all the other quotes. Just take a moment and think about it. Even bad shops turn out some great work once in a while. There is a local shop that Im not a fan of. They build an exceptional rig that is on the forum here and the reason for it is the owner made a point to show up there every Friday afternoon and get an update. Im not going to name it, but it has it's own build and even WJCO has a couple posts drooling over it. However, this same shop put my track bar mount on 1.5" outboard from where it should be and sent me on my way with 1/4" thread left in my trackbar.

Also, Ive met a lot of AEV Hemi Conversion owners in AZ having overheating problems. I think they know what they're doing. Friend of mine had the dealership do AEV fixes since and AEV paid for it.

Shit happens. And I'd rather be able to drive over to the shop and handle it face-to-face instead of communicate by email or playing phone tag wondering how they are going to fix their error.
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Along with all the other quotes. Just take a moment and think about it. Even bad shops turn out some great work once in a while. There is a local shop that Im not a fan of. They build an exceptional rig that is on the forum here and the reason for it is the owner made a point to show up there every Friday afternoon and get an update. Im not going to name it, but it has it's own build and even WJCO has a couple posts drooling over it. However, this same shop put my track bar mount on 1.5" outboard from where it should be and sent me on my way with 1/4" thread left in my trackbar.

Also, Ive met a lot of AEV Hemi Conversion owners in AZ having overheating problems. I think they know what they're doing. Friend of mine had the dealership do AEV fixes since and AEV paid for it.

Shit happens. And I'd rather be able to drive over to the shop and handle it face-to-face instead of communicate by email or playing phone tag wondering how they are going to fix their error.

I hereby nominate this as second dumbest post of the day.

Once a shop fucks something of mine up, they're done. I'm looking for another. Certainly not looking to take it back for them to fuck it up some more! I've already done this. I bust my ass for my paycheck. Not looking for stupid places to throw it down a shithole.

Edit- the context I am putting this to is towards thardys response below. A minor screwup is one thing, and I'm not gonna get bent too far outta shape on something small, but the context of this thread is that this was a monumental fuckup and it continued on and on. Why take the chance and suffer through these inconvienences when you can find someone that can do it right the first time?
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Along with all the other quotes. Just take a moment and think about it. Even bad shops turn out some great work once in a while. There is a local shop that Im not a fan of. They build an exceptional rig that is on the forum here and the reason for it is the owner made a point to show up there every Friday afternoon and get an update. Im not going to name it, but it has it's own build and even WJCO has a couple posts drooling over it. However, this same shop put my track bar mount on 1.5" outboard from where it should be and sent me on my way with 1/4" thread left in my trackbar.

Also, Ive met a lot of AEV Hemi Conversion owners in AZ having overheating problems. I think they know what they're doing. Friend of mine had the dealership do AEV fixes since and AEV paid for it.

Any shop can put out subpar work. It's definitely on the owner to ensure they get what they pay for. The point here is that upon the first instance of a fuck up, he returned the rig, they fucked it up again, and again, and again. Instead of taking action to get things righted legally, he actually took the rig back for then to do ANOTHER swap and they screwed it up again.

Anyone that is willing to accept a shop bending them over and fucking them in the ass is simply asking for it. I would drive a rig from GA to TrailJeeps or ORE before I would let a lot of the local shops touch something I was shelling out $30k+ for. Just my two cents.
I hereby nominate this as second dumbest post of the day.

Once a shop fucks something of mine up, they're done. I'm looking for another. Certainly not looking to take it back for them to fuck it up some more! I've already done this. I bust my ass for my paycheck. Not looking for stupid places to throw it down a shithole.

This all day!
I hereby nominate this as second dumbest post of the day.

Once a shop fucks something of mine up, they're done. I'm looking for another. Certainly not looking to take it back for them to fuck it up some more! I've already done this. I bust my ass for my paycheck. Not looking for stupid places to throw it down a shithole.

Well, Im in AZ. There's plenty of shops here. If I had your attitude I'd have no where to go.

I don't know why you guys seem to think Im against you. I talked to Bruiser Conversions back in 2012 about a 4bt motor swap. I didn't care for the guy's attitude, and I checked his BBB background. Reason enough to not follow through with it.
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