MOAB WAYALIFE MegaThread 2016


Staff member
Because of what we do, it literally has been at least a decade since Cindy and I had gone out to Moab either by ourselves or just with close friends. And, after the Unofficial and Unplanned trip we just took a couple of weeks back, we were reminded of just how much fun and relaxing Moab can really be. Of course, this is not to say that we don't enjoy hooking up with members of the forum and wheeling with everyone at big events but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't feel like work at times. That being said, after getting back home, we decided that maybe it was time to do another run out Moab only this time, to meet up with some of our close friends from around the country - make it into a vacation/reunion of sorts and as luck would have it, we were able to get Moochie, JeepFan & GemHunter, OverlanderJK, RanchoRubi & Michelle, mcpuck, Strainger & Strainger's Heart, JAGS & Amy, cozdude and Trail JK & heyitsray to join us. That being said, this mega-thread has been started so that our friends can post up pics from our trip and share them with you. We hope you enjoy. :cool:

To kick things off, here's a shot of Moby back on his feet and all packed up after being racked up for the last week and getting all kinds of well needed maintenance done.

Here are some of the essential supplies that we'll be bringing with us.

And, here's a shot of Cindy and I toasting to an awesome adventure - CHEERS!!

Be sure to check back on a regular basis as we post updates from our epic trek to come. :cool:
I'm curious how Cozdude plans on getting his Jeep out to Moab? I've done that drive from NJ and it's a long one.
Awesome I'll be following along on this thread! I bet Moabs gonna be way nicer now though that EJS is out of the way.
You know, you should be making this drive with us too! I don't think there's a friend we have here that we've known longer than you and Jen.

Fuck I want too so bad. You have no idea.

Being a grown up sucks sometimes. [emoji22][emoji22][emoji24][emoji24]
Sounds like a lot of fun! I really want to get in a trip to Moab in the next couple of years but it's a long long way from home.
Fuck I want too so bad. You have no idea.

Being a grown up sucks sometimes. [emoji22][emoji22][emoji24][emoji24]

So Jens the problem?? We all know you're not a grown up. [emoji6]

Honestly, you both will be missed for sure. Hopefully can catch you guys soon. [emoji106]
Woo! Super excited!

Filling up this morning
Axles anyone?
Ahh the open road of Illinois 🙄
Pretty sunset

That's all I have for now. Wasn't really takin any pics cause there wasn't much to see lol
Because of what we do, it literally has been at least a decade since Cindy and I had gone out to Moab either by ourselves or just with close friends. And, after the Unofficial and Unplanned trip we just took a couple of weeks back, we were reminded of just how much fun and relaxing Moab can really be. Of course, this is not to say that we don't enjoy hooking up with members of the forum and wheeling with everyone at big events but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't feel like work at times. That being said, after getting back home, we decided that maybe it was time to do another run out Moab only this time, to meet up with some of our close friends from around the country - make it into a vacation/reunion of sorts and as luck would have it, we were able to get Moochie, JeepFan & GemHunter, OverlanderJK, RanchoRubi & Michelle, mcpuck, Strainger & Strainger's Heart, JAGS & Amy, cozdude and Trail JK & heyitsray to join us. That being said, this mega-thread has been started so that our friends can post up pics from our trip and share them with you. We hope you enjoy. :cool:

To kick things off, here's a shot of Moby back on his feet and all packed up after being racked up for the last week and getting all kinds of well needed maintenance

When are you guys gonna be there?? We are here now and leaving Sunday!
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