2017 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run - Coming 01/07/17


Staff member

It's officially 2017 and time to kick off a New Year of wheeling and with good friends. Of course, I'm talking about the annual WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run and Cindy and I would like to invite you to join us out on the trail on Saturday, January 7th!! As always, this will be a super easy scenic run, open to EVERYONE and there will be no minimum requirements in order to come. For the most part, this is just a way to get out, get our Jeeps dirty and have a good time. I do need to point out that unlike previous years, we will be putting a cap on this run to help keep the group from getting crazy big. I am sorry for having to do this but this run was simply getting way too big and was starting to feel way too much like work. I hope you can be understanding of this.

The Plan
We will be meeting up on Saturday morning in the dirt lot across the street from the Shell station, right off the I-15 on Cima Rd. (see aerial map below). Please be gassed up and ready to roll by 9:30 AM. Cindy and I are staying in Barstow on Friday night and if you'd like to caravan to the starting point with us, we will be leaving there at 7:30 AM.

What You Need to Know
Please be aware that it will most likely be cool in the morning and nice by day. The daily high temps in this area should be nice and warm by day but can be quite cold in the morning and evening so please pack/dress accordingly. Also, you need to make sure that you bring plenty of water as well as a lunch and snacks for you and everyone in your Jeep. While we "should" be done with this run by sundown, anything can and often does happen out on the trail and you NEED to be prepared for a long night - just in case. You also need to know that there are no bathrooms on this trip. I will be sure to stop periodically in a location where it's more advantageous for the ladies to find cover but, that's the best I can offer. Likewise, there are no trash facilities so you need to be sure to pack out what you pack in. Last but not least, it's not a requirement but, if you have a CB, I think you will find this trip to be a LOT more fun.

If you think you can join us or have any questions about this run, please let us know by posting them up on this thread.

Who's Going List
1. wayoflife & CarsonCindy
2. JeepFan & GemHunter
3. RanchoRubi
4. Slavens & Joywick
5. BitBucket
6. jr flowers
7. Moochie
8. Thunder
9. Highoctane
10. Ragnar JK
11. JAGS
12. Strainger
13. BaddestCross
14. piginajeep
15. jesse3638
16. OverlanderJK
17. JustJoe
18. JKstressreliever
19. blazer
20. IBeHeWhoIsJoshua
21. JKRicky
22. Clifford33
23. DaBank
24. bthomas
25. USA2dr
26. ljtuna
27. MC2003TJ
28. tcjku
29. Studfam24
30. Scharmack
31. HazMatJK

Sorry but this run is full.

We look forward to kicking off the new year, out on the trail and with all of you! :cool:

As much as I would love for this to be my first run back from deployment, it's my sons birthday that weekend so I will be knee deep in bounce houses!! Have fun everyone!!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
We are looking forward to kicking off the year right. Can't wait to get out on the trail with some good friends.
I bet it's going to be another awesome trip! Cannot wait to see the photos. [emoji1303]
As much as I would love for this to be my first run back from deployment, it's my sons birthday that weekend so I will be knee deep in bounce houses!! Have fun everyone!!

Bummer that we won't be able to see you on this one but there will be other runs. Enjoy your time with your son :yup:

sounds like a fun time, wish I could make the trip. sure you will all have fun!

We'll be hooking up soon enough :cool:

We are looking forward to kicking off the year right. Can't wait to get out on the trail with some good friends.

I always look forward to the New Year Kick Off Run! See you all next weekend! [emoji3]

I was able to secure a room so we will be up Friday night after work. Look forward to seeing you all !

Slavens and I are looking forward to a great trip with great people! See you all soon!! Happy New Year Wayalife friends!

So looking forward to seeing you all soon :thumb:

Add me to the list. :thumb:

That's awesome! I wasn't sure if you'd be able to make this but I'm glad to hear you'll be there. Been way too long my friend. :cool:
What better way to kick off 2017!! Looking forward to this adventure!

I'm looking forward to getting my jeep out of the garage and hanging with pals!

Never missed a new years run since i got my jeep. Count us in. Jk highlander will be my copilot

So cool that we'll get to see you all again soon :thumb:

I bet it's going to be another awesome trip! Cannot wait to see the photos. [emoji1303]

Ya know, one of these days, we'll need to get you out with us :yup:

Put me down as going!!

SWEET!! So glad to hear you'll be able to join us :thumb:
Have a great time! I have to work that weekend 😢

sent from my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
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