If there's one thing that Cindy and I have come to learn over the last two decades, there's only so much you can do when leading a group of 30 or more Jeeps on a trail run. With some effort, you can get photos of the run or you can film it but it's next to impossible to do both. Or at least, not very effectively. Needless to say, for the 2019 WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run, we decided to focus our attention on filming it and because of it, we weren't able to get as many pics of the trips as we would have preferred and for that, we apologize. That being said, we were able to take a few here and even took some on our pre-runs and I thought they might be worth sharing here. I hope you enjoy.
Even though we had just spent the better part of November covering SEMA and then attending the first annual JLX and of course, spending time with family for Thanksgiving, we still found time to wrap up the end of the month by going to the LA Auto Show to cover the reveal of the all new Jeep Gladiator. And, after we cranked out yet another video overnight, we then made our way out to Vegas to spend some time with Cindy's folks. Here's a shot of us taking a break out in the Mojave Desert and in the pouring rain.

The following morning was beautiful and clear and so we decided to pull off the highway and check out the 7 Magic Mountains.

The last time we were in the area, the all new Terrible's Road House was still under construction but being that it was finally open and now the "largest Chevron station in the world", you know we had to make a stop and check it out. Here we are at pump number 96!

Time to hit the dirt! Being that Union Pacific runs a line that parallels I-15, getting on the other side of it to do some exploring is typically done through small tunnels like this.

Ahhhh - just where we love to be most. Out in the middle of nowhere!

For better or for worse, power lines have been and still are a part of the Mojave Desert and while they can be an eyesore, they do provide access that may not otherwise exist.

Making a stop to explore some massive boulders up in the Eldorado Mountains.

Coming up and over the mountains and with a million dollar view!

Our beach front lunch stop for the day.

After turning around and making our way back up the mountain, we made a stop to check out an old mining camp.

Bunkbeds for 4 really close friends. :crazyeyes:

Featuring the softest 19th century bedding material on the planet :shock:

Jet trying to take a peek inside.

Taking the path less traveled and a lot more fun.

Even though the sun had pretty much set, there was still enough light out to get in a bit more play time.

It's hard to believe that this was once a daily commute for people with mules and wagons.

Jet standing on his hind legs to get a better look at what's up ahead.

Of course, that just got him wanting to go further along to see what else he could see.

Always good to stretch when doing some exercise.

Jet letting us know that he thinks we're almost to the top.

But wait... there appears to be a wall...

Jet says "what wall?"

Guess it'd be no surprise to most of you that we'd still be on the trail, well into the night.

Ahhhh - civilization at last! CHEERS!

BONUS ROUND - before heading back north for a short stint at home, Cindy and I decided to do a bit more exploring. Here are a few pics that we took of the fun we had.
Imagine that, yet another tunnel only tighter than the last one.

Tessa reminding us which way we need to go.

Or should I say, trying to find a way to keep us out in the desert longer :crazyeyes:

Of course, it is where we love being most.

Getting to do a bit more stretching before hitting the highway again.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and it was finally time for us to head back for home.