a little help with a name....

White lightening, Cracker, Snowblind, bleached streak, Blinded by the white, Gay cowboy? LOL !Well, maybe not the last one. I like Cracker myself.
Lol, that's what I pay a year in California for plain old registration. Even as an out of state resident. I feel ya though.
Glacier, Berg, Everest, K2, Sherpa, Khumbu, Ursa Maritimus, Kodiak, Floe, Vinson, Roald Amundsen, Troll, Trolljegeren (Troll Hunter, cool movie), Marshmallow, Oaken, Sven (the more appropriate Frozen character since he pulls Kristof's sled.)
X6 on Olaf. That guy is funny!!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
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