Advice on running Billy Bob Trail in NV


New member
Hi All,

Not sure if this is the right place for this question -

Recently watched

and had some questions.

Can this trail be run in winter, or is it covered in snow? Also, is there any dispersed camping in the area?

Canyons hold snow longer than surrounding areas, so lingering snow is a possibility in winter. It can be run year round and honestly it isn't especially difficult, and snow melts pretty quick this time of year. Most locals think anytime is a good time. Closest dispersed camping would probably be over by moon rocks, not too far away.
Short answer: Yes to maybe.

Longer answer: The snow can be pretty deep in places. We ran it one time in winter (actually we turned off and started up Twister) and couldn't see the tops of the boulders because the snow was so deep and decided to turn around and head out the way we came. I posted a trip report on here somewhere.

Not sure how much snow is in the canyons at the moment.

Trip we turned around on...

Another run without snow...
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