automatic learn how to drive (a jeep)


Caught the Bug
Just hit the Fan:

The move may be a key step in the advance toward driverless cars

Automakers and federal officials will announce a deal Thursday to make automatic braking standard in most cars by 2022, according to reports.

The deal, reported before the official announcement by Reuters, will make some exceptions for some cars with older electronic systems and manual transmissions. The automakers party to the agreement represent nearly all of the U.S. consumer auto market. Automatic braking systems use various technology to detect when a car has come too close to other objects and reacts if a driver does not.

The move—to be announced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and automakers—may be a key step in the advance toward driverless cars.

NHTSA is going bonkers as usual........wonder if we will see such BS turn up in Europe?????:naw::naw::naw:
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Just hit the Fan:

The move may be a key step in the advance toward driverless cars

Automakers and federal officials will announce a deal Thursday to make automatic braking standard in most cars by 2022, according to reports.

The deal, reported before the official announcement by Reuters, will make some exceptions for some cars with older electronic systems and manual transmissions. The automakers party to the agreement represent nearly all of the U.S. consumer auto market. Automatic braking systems use various technology to detect when a car has come too close to other objects and reacts if a driver does not.

The move—to be announced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and automakers—may be a key step in the advance toward driverless cars.

NHTSA is going bonkers as usual........wonder if we will see such BS turn up in Europe?????:naw::naw::naw:

This is really sad to see, Im sure there will be a button to "disable" it just like the current button to "disable" traction control... it will probably work the same as the traction control button also; turn on a light on the dash, but still interfere with driving :doh:

why not a DRIVER cell disable system? so you cant text and drive? how about that!? why RUIN driving for the rest of us?? or just let natural selection take its course... :yup:
Some Chevrolet models already have this. As well as forward collision alert, lane departure warning which will auto-correct your driving, speed warnings, blind spot detection, etc.

In fact the new 2016 Malibu can park itself. It can back into and parallel park. We were playing with it at the dealership a couple of weeks ago. Its actually kind of a cool system.
One more step closer to turning humans into machines. Heaven forbid that we go back to critical thinking and not being lazy like we've done for hundreds of years.
One more step closer to turning humans into machines. Heaven forbid that we go back to critical thinking and not being lazy like we've done for hundreds of years.

That sux. I guess we can still mechanic on old beaters & keep them going. That's one reason I was looking at a v8 WJ. Mostly for a road vehicle.
How is this NOT surprising to anyone that drives more than 2 miles a day? There are so many fucking retarded morons clogging the roads that this was inevitable!
Check out the "what pisses me off thread" and see that probably 90% of the complaints there are due to idiotic drivers doing something stupid. What I'd like to see is some kind of disabling device for phones once you get in your car. How many times do you see the 'text swerve' every day?
There not removing you ability to use the brakes. These systems are just a backup that make it very hard for the driver to rear end the car in front of them in traffic. Most of the next generation of driver support systems are aimed at driving the car for you in situations like heavy traffic where you probably don't want to be driving anyway.

Imagine being able to go to the pub and then tell your car to drive you home when you've had too many
How is this NOT surprising to anyone that drives more than 2 miles a day? There are so many fucking retarded morons clogging the roads that this was inevitable!
Check out the "what pisses me off thread" and see that probably 90% of the complaints there are due to idiotic drivers doing something stupid. What I'd like to see is some kind of disabling device for phones once you get in your car. How many times do you see the 'text swerve' every day?

True. More accidents are undoubtedly caused by cell phones, than alcohol, but you get a $25.00 ticket in Mississippi for cell phone use while driving. Get a DUI, and they'll crucify you.
There not removing you ability to use the brakes. These systems are just a backup that make it very hard for the driver to rear end the car in front of them in traffic. Most of the next generation of driver support systems are aimed at driving the car for you in situations like heavy traffic where you probably don't want to be driving anyway.

Imagine being able to go to the pub and then tell your car to drive you home when you've had too many

No thank you for any of that stuff. Can't even do decent donuts anymore...
This isn't about not knowing how to drive! It about people who think they know how to drive doing everything but driving while propelling a vehicle down the road. Human error coupled with overconfidence or improper training is by far the biggest reason for something like this. If humans we're capable of not being distracted, zoning out or shirking their responsibilities we wouldn't need it... I for one dig it as I have been rear-ended in all 3 accidents I've had in my 30 yrs of driving! (Never hit anyone.)
This isn't about not knowing how to drive! It about people who think they know how to drive doing everything but driving while propelling a vehicle down the road. Human error coupled with overconfidence or improper training is by far the biggest reason for something like this. If humans we're capable of not being distracted, zoning out or shirking their responsibilities we wouldn't need it... I for one dig it as I have been rear-ended in all 3 accidents I've had in my 30 yrs of driving! (Never hit anyone.)

I hear where you're coming from but that argument sounds a lot like how every other governmental intrusion in our lives got started....:icon_crazy:
I hear where you're coming from but that argument sounds a lot like how every other governmental intrusion in our lives got started....:icon_crazy:

Like those pesky seat belts ... LoL
Most high end autos already have or offer this as an accident avoidance feature and/or
as part of adaptive cruise control.
Some Chevrolet models already have this. As well as forward collision alert, lane departure warning which will auto-correct your driving, speed warnings, blind spot detection, etc.

In fact the new 2016 Malibu can park itself. It can back into and parallel park. We were playing with it at the dealership a couple of weeks ago. Its actually kind of a cool system.

I have it all on my Cherokee. It is part of a optional upgrade that I wanted. It is all totally configurable to each drivers needs.
Most high end autos already have or offer this as an accident avoidance feature and/or
as part of adaptive cruise control.

If someone needs this feature in order to not kill themselves while driving then they are a dumbass that doesn't pay enough attention to their surroundings.
Can it be helpful in certain situations, yes. But I sure as shit do not want to be stuck in some goddam Google goobermobile watching the trees pass me by as I'm shepherded
to and from my destination like a nice little citizen...

Seatbelt comment hardly an apt comparison.

Edit: As long as these systems are optional and you WANT them, then hey, who would have an issue with that. I just don't like HAVING to get this on my vehicle
or the thought of HAVING to use a driverless vehicle.
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This isn't about not knowing how to drive! It about people who think they know how to drive doing everything but driving while propelling a vehicle down the road. Human error coupled with overconfidence or improper training is by far the biggest reason for something like this. If humans we're capable of not being distracted, zoning out or shirking their responsibilities we wouldn't need it... I for one dig it as I have been rear-ended in all 3 accidents I've had in my 30 yrs of driving! (Never hit anyone.)

I agree that human error is the problem, but this is just enabling it more. People are already too lazy and dependent. I work in the automotive warranty industry and see electronic part failures multiple times a day. I can already see the module for this system failing while someone is just kicking back in their car not paying attention and then causing an accident. I'm not trusting my life with an electronic part.

Screw that shit. It will make cars more expensive, and more boring.


I hear where you're coming from but that argument sounds a lot like how every other governmental intrusion in our lives got started....:icon_crazy:

If someone needs this feature in order to not kill themselves while driving then they are a dumbass that doesn't pay enough attention to their surroundings.
Can it be helpful in certain situations, yes. But I sure as shit do not want to be stuck in some goddam Google goobermobile watching the trees pass me by as I'm shepherded
to and from my destination like a nice little citizen...

Seatbelt comment hardly an apt comparison.

Edit: As long as these systems are optional and you WANT them, then hey, who would have an issue with that. I just don't like HAVING to get this on my vehicle
or the thought of HAVING to use a driverless vehicle.

I agree 100%with this ^^^^

I think maybe driving an automobile should be privilege again rather than the right is seems to have become. I can remember once while getting my DL renewed hearing this woman hooting and whopping it up. Turned out that she finally passed her test after 14 tries. That scared the hell out of me to think folks like that make up a high percentage of drivers!
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