Best JKU Build in the world! Seriously.. Maybe... Well, Lots of Pictures.. lol

The jeep is looking good man.....
By the way when are you posting more videos? I like them lol

The videos are great!;)

I appreciate it a lot. Since you asked, heres the latest:

More pictures and details of the build coming soon. Headed to Colorado next week so we will have pictures from there. New front and rear axle shafts waiting for a parking lot install too. Coming soon.
Truss all in and was finally able to take it out again. We try and go once a month but we've been getting everything dialed in so it's been a bit off. Colorado Next week though so I'll have more pictures soon.

We swap out driving a lot but I try and get my wife to crawl around as much as possible so I can practice spotting, get pictures and watch. It's cool that she's into it and she is driving in every action shot I get which is really cool.
After about a year of talking about it my mom finally pulled the trigger on getting a JKU also. It's really awesome because now her and my dad can come out on trail runs with us too. My sister is just down South in San Antonio so we are able to hit up Hidden Falls pretty regularly together and when my brother can come up with the Houston crew he has his XJ out also. We have definitely made this a family affair and that by far is one of my favorite things about this hobby. It's great to be able to get out there and explore and even cooler that most of my family can usually make it out with my wife and I.

My sister and husbands rig alongside my moms and ours.

Brothers XJ out with us about a month ago.

Had to take a quick picture at the range with my favorite Rifle. Well, in the case. Something about rocking a rifle in parking lots scares people now a days. October 1943 M1 Service Grade Garand. Everyone has an AR, hardly anyone knows what a Garand is anymore.

Here's me on Black Bear last weekend

My old flat fender out crawls my JK so don't get all hurt
That Cherokee can probably out crawl your JK.
Those things are awesome.

They do really well for what they are thats for sure. Had a great time out there all week. Great trails, hated to have to go home. It was like time stopped up in the mountains.
So, last thing I was mentioning was our Colorado trip. What an amazing run it was. Basically overlanded it, slept in the Jeep for the entire week, while moving our gear in and out every night to make room in the back. It was very comfortable and we used bins to make the process easier. Was able to hit Imogene Pass, Black Bear, The Alpine Loop, Cinnamon Pass, Poughkepsie Gulch and more. Stayed in the Ouray / Teluride area.

Before the trip I had picked up a poison spider CB antenna mount for our tramp stamp but I since we were sleeping inside the jeep I wanted to move the spare back out. Took some rearranging and rigging up of things but I got it all squared away. Been running the spare on the back again since. We really want the rear EVO cage style carrier but our funds are divided into other things right now so it will have to wait. Running the spare carrier with our 37 for now. Its on there snug and works.

Also, wasn't able to get these on before the Colorado trip but did get them on shortly after. Been running them since and they have been great. For running 37's on absolutely stock axles for as long as we did I was extremely grateful that we didn't break anything. Luckily our wheeling style is focused on smooth throttle and so we have been very fortunate. As you know we finally got a truss and gussets welded on and so I picked these up to compliment them. RCV front axle shafts and Ten Factory rear Chromoly shafts. Our stock ones were still in great shape and will now serve as spares should we need them but I really enjoy having a slightly better sense of security as breaking a shaft was one of my biggest worries. Pretty easy install overall.

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