What size are those muds? I saw earlier that you wanted 40's. Are you going to run these until you get the pro rock 60's installed?
Here is the RIPP MODS CAI. I ended up going with this one for a few reasons. First I liked the overall sound and install of it. Second it gives me plenty of room in the engine compartment for other things like PSC resivoirs, DBox's, compressors, etc. So far I have been really happy with it.
View attachment 17020
Waiting for the salt to stop flying before installing my PowerPlant HD on my 1/4 pounder. Any tips or tricks?
Again, mine is the 9.5ti but has the same rear clearance. The install was super easy! Installed the bumper first, then mounted the winch. The rear two bolts are tight to get to and my ratchet wrenches were clutch. The front two are cake with the two holes that EVO has in the bottom of the (new)bumper.
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Like a BOSS! Who needs cardboard protecting their pretty concrete floors?!
Hahahahaha ya we are planning on finishing our floors when done so why bother :yep:
How do you like the CAI? Im thinking about this as well to clear up space in my engine bay. Did you install it at the same time as your Exhaust? If not, and you installed it later, did it change the sound much? As much info of changes you experienced and can give on your opinion of this would be great.
Sweet looking ride! Do you have any pics of different angles showing whole rig. Would love to see. When you trimmed your flares did you keep or trim supports as well? Looking really nice!:rock:
Waiting for the salt to stop flying before installing my PowerPlant HD on my 1/4 pounder. Any tips or tricks?
If you're lucky it will be snug but "just work". If you're like me it will suck, haha. The biggest thing for me was to grind down the middle hump on the left side of the winch to get the holes to line up properly. Outside of that its straight forward just not a lot of room. Ratcheting wrenches will be your friend :yep:
Crap. I don't have ratcheting wrenches... Just have regular wrenches and socket wrenches... Excuse to buy more tools!
Crap. I don't have ratcheting wrenches... Just have regular wrenches and socket wrenches... Excuse to buy more tools!