Dual Steering Stabilizer


New member
Hi together

I wonder already since a while, for what do you need a Dual Steering Stabilizer?? Does it help to get a tighter steering or does it make the steering softer? And when is it essential? :idontknow:
x2 just a waste of money to cover up poor install. you really don't need anything more than a stock SS, if any shop tries to sell you aftermarket or dual they are just selling you... :beer:
Hi together

I wonder already since a while, for what do you need a Dual Steering Stabilizer?? Does it help to get a tighter steering or does it make the steering softer? And when is it essential? :idontknow:

X3 on the waste of money. Even my 37s have no problems with stock stabilizer.

Hahaha ok, alright i won't install a dual! :thumb: Thank you very much guys!!

Best regards from Switzerland

Samuel F.
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