First Moab trip next week!


Hi Guys, My wife and I will be rolling into town Friday the 4th. I'm sure all of you that have been, remember the excitement of your first trip! We plan on running as many trails as we can until the next Friday the 11th. My list is Fins, Hells Revenge, Poison Spyder, 7 mile, Top of the World and what ever else I can squeeze in! Yes, I will take my wife to the two parks via the trails. We Are Stoked!! Anybody that's planning on being there at the same time, please let me know! I would love to meet up for a run and or a beer in town! Rob,
I will be there for the day on the 6th. Running hells revenge with a group of Toyota’s and if we can get off the trail early enough we may try and hit poison spider. I’d be happy to show you around if the scheduling lines up.
Hope you aren't going solo....

Don't listen to the locals who will try and talk you into running the escalator on hell's revenge. Those old guys just want to see the body damage when you slip and hit the body into the rock. Hell's gate is do-able through.

Kane's creek is pretty cool too, although hamburger hill is a little sketchy.
Lol, Thanks for the tips! I plan on going around anything that I don't think my wife can spot me through. We are running solo, so anyone that can meet up is Really welcome!
The wife and I went by ourselves last November and had a great time. Casey (RESURECTIONJK) met us there and is a great guy. Ran Hell's with him and his dad. There is nothing wrong with going solo as long as you know you and your rigs capabilities. We ran top of the world by ourselves. We ended up getting a late start and came off in the dark..haha.

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Thanks, we are really looking forward to it! I have watched every Moab video and viewed everyone's pics! I think I have a pretty good idea of what we will be able to handle. As long as I can post up some Moab pics and keep the shiny side up, our pilgrimage will be a success!
If you're planning on going to arches I'd recommend exploring the "4x4" trails to the NW side of the park. There are several other arches out there too. It takes you away from all the crowd and you get to see what a lot of people don't.

Sent from my 2PYB2 using WAYALIFE mobile app
You are more than welcome to run with our group on hells revenge. We are meeting at 10:00 am Sunday morning. If we have time we will probably hit poison spider or 7 mile rim before heading home.
Wow, thanks for the invite! Sun @ 10:00. Let me know where, I appreciate that!

Most welcome! The plan is to line up just off of Main Street and head up to the trail head. I will let you know exactly where we’re linking up so you can meet up with us. There’s a chance we’ll be the only jeeps but it’s great group with some great people I work with so it will be a fun day. I PM’d you with my number.
My WAYALIFE App crashed a few weeks ago and I'm trying to use a web page on my phone. I have not figured out how to attach pics yet. I can upload them but can't get them to post.:mad:
Thanks, we are really looking forward to it! I have watched every Moab video and viewed everyone's pics! I think I have a pretty good idea of what we will be able to handle. As long as I can post up some Moab pics and keep the shiny side up, our pilgrimage will be a success!

Just to warn you the videos and pictures don’t do the trails justice. Everything is much bigger and steeper in person. Haha. Not that your Jeep can’t handle it or anything. I go Atleast once a year and still am surprised at how big and steep all the obstacles are compared to the videos I watch before I head out.

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No Doubt! We really got a kick out of the whole place! It's a must go again kind of thing. I did post some pics over on JL Wrangler.
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