Geneva Motor Show


Caught the Bug
The latest and greatest euro super cars have been released from their super cages at the Geneva Motor Show. :crazyeyes: Their price tags are super too! The Lambo has been said to be going for as much as 3.9 Million. Only 3 will be made.

Here is a link to the story on Japolink

Here is a very nice video of the newest Ferrari.

By far my favorite is the Lamborghini, with Ferrari being a close second! I always had at least 3 posters on the wall growing up, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, and Heather Thomas from The Fall Guy in that pink bikini. :yup:

I think that picture was taken 20 years before I was even born. :cheesy:

I'm not really a fan of any of them. The Porsche is probably my favorite though.
ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1362624306.731903.jpg yes this is one sexy machine. The 950hp Limited Edition LaFerrari hybrid. Hybrid to get the torque when you mash it. Mid chassis engine. I think they only made 499 of them and are already spoken for.

0-60mph in little over 2 seconds and 0-180mph in 15 secs. Drool!!!

Maybe this will beat the Aventador Lambo.
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