Help, rubber bump stop? fell off putting soft top up, don't know where it goes


New member
I put the soft top down on my JKU, sunrider, today, it was great. When I put the top back up I found this piece of rubber on the ground by it. I thought it might be a bump stop, but I can't figure out were it goes. If anyone can help I thank you in advance!
If you are referring to the one on top of the hood, they are both still there and this is smaller. It is also hollow if that helps.
Check on the header bar where the soft top closes on top of the windshield there are a couple rubber bumpers on that and inside the latches themselvesImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1433560043.837869.jpg
Check on the header bar where the soft top closes on top of the windshield there are a couple rubber bumpers on that and inside the latches themselves

I also agree, good thing you found it. My original Trektop NX that I ordered didn't have one and didn't notice until I had put it on the Jeep. When I emailed asking if they could send me a new one (just the rubber stop) they told me they don't sell it and sent me an entire new soft top portion of the Trektop NX. I thought that was just crazy, Im guessing they must outsource the assembly and don't have small parts like that??!?
This is getting weird. I checked the header bar and the latches, all of the rubber is there. I checked the doors, it is just a surround on them. The same with the tailgate. The tire carrier is all good to. Life if full of mysteries sometimes.
Thanks all, I am going to figure that this came from something other than the Jeep and stop worrying about it. Thanks again.
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