High Lakes Run NorCal - Saturday 2/21

Add me to the not going list :mad: (maybe I need to move)

I agree! We can have a moving party for sure!

This seems like the perfect place to post this....looking forward to the weekend

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Looks like you are having some wordpress plugin issues ;)
Big trouble at casa de panda, stayed home from work today to dig up the sewer drain, seems we have a broken pipe underground, :grayno: plumber wants 3k to fix it, praying I can get this fixed in time to make this trip :fingerscrosssed:
Big trouble at casa de panda, stayed home from work today to dig up the sewer drain, seems we have a broken pipe underground, :grayno: plumber wants 3k to fix it, praying I can get this fixed in time to make this trip :fingerscrosssed:

Fingers crossed, sorry to hear that Panda. Just pee outside just not in the koi pond. Hope you can get it fixed fast and cheap.
Big trouble at casa de panda, stayed home from work today to dig up the sewer drain, seems we have a broken pipe underground, :grayno: plumber wants 3k to fix it, praying I can get this fixed in time to make this trip :fingerscrosssed:

Bam! I cut out the broken section of sewer and put in a two way clean out
Told kitty I saved us 3k in plumbing fees so that should cover some slabs right?... It didn't go over so well :grayno:
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