How did you know


New member
I'm 21 now but I was in the same exact boat you're in now. When I originally started school I was taking all the high level math classes and chemistry and biologies. I had been dead set( or so I thought for years on becoming a pharmacist) but after a while I realized I couldn't see myself doing that every single day. When it came down to it the only thing that I really wanted to do and had a passion for was anything with engines and firefighting. So I switched it up got a degree in heavy duty diesel repair and I now work as a full time heavy machine mechanic and I also volunteer on the local fire dept and am planning on taking classes in the fall of next year to get a second degree in paramedical sciences. So long story short do what you love, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.


When I graduated, in 2004, I didn't know what I wanted to do. So I just got a full time job and tried different kinds of carreers. In the meantime, I got 2 different race quads, and started to do my own mecanic, then I got my first jeep in 2007, kept doing and learning mecanic. In 2009 I enroled in the canadian forces as a vehicule mecanic, then I got sick and went back home.

I started to think about what I could do, I was then 22yo. Since a very young age, I always been striping things off, modifying my toys. I took a cheap 4x4 Rc truck into a beast by locking the differentials with hot melt glue gun at like 8yo. It was clear to me that I liked mecanic so I took my mecanic classes, and it's what I do since then.

Like other have said, do what you love, not what pays better. The key is to be happy. Good luck! :standing wave:
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