How to tighten down battery terminal connection?

I had this problem. In addition to the socket trick you can crimp the clamps down slightly which seems to help with them staying tight.

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I always had issues with the stock connections even without anything wired to that center nut.
Personally I'd just put new terminals on. There's an easy way to cut the stock one so you don't have to crimp anything.
I'll see if I can grab a photo later.

View attachment 276090After mod. These are tight, no movement


View attachment 276095 Untill I was down to this on the negative side.


Same mod here. Glad you posted photos, I ended up doing the same thing.
No matter how tight I got the negative terminal, it was still movable by hand.
Eventually I snapped the bolt off that clamps the stock connector together :crazyeyes:
Figured it was time to upgrade lol.
Resurrecting an old thread to say thanks, this was really helpful to see. I'm struggling with my terminals right now and I may cut and go this route.
Has anyone else changed out their terminals - I can't decide which would work best, would love to see other options people have used besides stock.
I replaced move with something similar to this, had to go back 5 years in my Amazon history, so 5 years with zero problems.

Thank you for letting me know. I saw those over and over again in my searching and was concerned on the quick connect aspect...seems like it may be cheap, but good to know it's holding up good. I suppose the fact you can always spin them again to tighten them more as long as the threads don't wear out is a positive.

I went a slightly diffrerent direction for now, but I may still try that. I'm having to hack up the main vehicle wiring terminal now, which is a bit scary. I bought terminals that are one post and then I'm using the 3 post shim from the original harness - it seems like it's going to work but I won't know until later today after I'm done hacking everything up.

What did you do for your main vehicle terminals - did you cut them? Would love to see a pic.
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