Is it me or

I think Eddie and Cindy need to purge the Moderators list here and start anew. The comments in this thread by many long time forum members are offensive.

:cheesy: Are you fucking kidding me? You're proposing that Eddie remove his friends as the moderators? I'm sure he'll get right on that. :rolleyes2:

It's real simple: If there's a thread on here you don't like, don't click on it. Voila, problem solved!
I think Eddie and Cindy need to purge the Moderators list here and start anew. The comments in this thread by many long time forum members are offensive.

You should fill out a moderator application and in 'other comments' section down at the bottom, tell them how it should be done around here :thumb:
IBEWoutdoorsman does have one valid point: it is not appropriate to reply to posts with "fuck off" or personal attacks, which does happen frequently on this forum (and other forums) when an OP posts against the rules or something. The OP then naturally gets defensive, and the attackers criticize him/her for "getting butthurt" or being sensitive. The real problem is the attackers originally posting with intent to offend, not that the OP got offended by the comments. If the OP attempts to defend themselves, a debate erupts, the thread derails, and the OP's points are then categorically dismissed. In politics this tactic is known as delegitimization, where it is often used to create drama and shift the focus away from the original topic so that a valid counterargument does not need to be prepared. I find it immensely frustrating.

I could not agree more to this post. I'm new to this forum, but, not to forums in general. I'm a member of several street rod and aircraft forums, and yes, trolls show up there, also. The difference is in the moderators. It's a different class of people. The moderators deal with things, but, always in a clean and "high road"' manner.

I have watched the adventures of Eddie and Cindy, for years. A subscriber for so long I cannot remember. The videos are always family friendly speech, and I've enjoyed them with my children. Mel Wade, I have great respect for. A true, not just talk, but, do, kind of guy.

I believe the forum rules should apply to all. I cannot imagine living with the comments Eddie has to put up with from mostly jealous people on the web. He built the company and deserves to be successful.

I think Eddie and Cindy need to purge the Moderators list here and start anew. The comments in this thread by many long time forum members are offensive.

And for those who will say I'm thin skinned....etc., I'm not. I've driven an 18 wheeler for 41 years. Heard it all...

I just try to escape that in the things I love. Maybe thats why I never wheel with a crowd. Just a few close carefully picked friends...


You don’t like it here, move the fuck on. I can’t believe the amount of old dudes that are such pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE
IBEWoutdoorsman does have one valid point: it is not appropriate to reply to posts with "fuck off" or personal attacks, which does happen frequently on this forum (and other forums) when an OP posts against the rules or something. The OP then naturally gets defensive, and the attackers criticize him/her for "getting butthurt" or being sensitive. The real problem is the attackers originally posting with intent to offend, not that the OP got offended by the comments. If the OP attempts to defend themselves, a debate erupts, the thread derails, and the OP's points are then categorically dismissed. In politics this tactic is known as delegitimization, where it is often used to create drama and shift the focus away from the original topic so that a valid counterargument does not need to be prepared. I find it immensely frustrating.

I could not agree more to this post. I'm new to this forum, but, not to forums in general. I'm a member of several street rod and aircraft forums, and yes, trolls show up there, also. The difference is in the moderators. It's a different class of people. The moderators deal with things, but, always in a clean and "high road"' manner.

I have watched the adventures of Eddie and Cindy, for years. A subscriber for so long I cannot remember. The videos are always family friendly speech, and I've enjoyed them with my children. Mel Wade, I have great respect for. A true, not just talk, but, do, kind of guy.

I believe the forum rules should apply to all. I cannot imagine living with the comments Eddie has to put up with from mostly jealous people on the web. He built the company and deserves to be successful.

I think Eddie and Cindy need to purge the Moderators list here and start anew. The comments in this thread by many long time forum members are offensive.

And for those who will say I'm thin skinned....etc., I'm not. I've driven an 18 wheeler for 41 years. Heard it all...

I just try to escape that in the things I love. Maybe thats why I never wheel with a crowd. Just a few close carefully picked friends...


Sounds like the three of you have something in common. Go start your own forum if you don’t like how this one forum treats idiots who don’t follow the rules and then cry when they get called out.

As for Eddie purging the moderators here, that just proves how much of a turd sucking fuck bucket you are along with the other two especially the OP. I guess 41 years in truck stop bathrooms has fucked your ability to think before you say stupid shit.
:cheesy: Are you fucking kidding me? You're proposing that Eddie remove his friends as the moderators? I'm sure he'll get right on that. :rolleyes2:

It's real simple: If there's a thread on here you don't like, don't click on it. Voila, problem solved!

I know Viola, the old Amish woman around the corner, never knew she was a on Waya!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Sounds like the three of you have something in common. Go start your own forum if you don’t like how this one forum treats idiots who don’t follow the rules and then cry when they get called out.

As for Eddie purging the moderators here, that just proves how much of a turd sucking fuck bucket you are along with the other two especially the OP. I guess 41 years in truck stop bathrooms has fucked your ability to think before you say stupid shit.

If anyone one is crying and continues bring it back up like a damn female it’s you bud. Like I said before. Your millennial is showing.
Yeah I’ve talked to a couple of people who met these wayalife “moderators” and say there two face as shit. And can’t own up when they do get called out. You know who you are.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE[/QUOTE]
Dude go away!!
Is your life so pathetic and lonely you are a douche wherever you go? I don’t know you and I don’t suffer idiots like you but damn son go the fuck away. And take those multiple personalities with you!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE
Yeah I’ve talked to a couple of people who met these wayalife “moderators” and say there two face as shit. And can’t own up when they do get called out. You know who you are.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE

Funny, I've talked to a couple of people that I know and they told me that sparkies are all pussies. Funny how that generic "I've heard people say" nonsense works both ways, huh?
It's evident you don't want to fit in here. Why don't you just mosey along to the next forum....
Yeah I’ve talked to a couple of people who met these wayalife “moderators” and say there two face as shit. And can’t own up when they do get called out. You know who you are.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE

Hey, pal. Hit the door, if you don’t like it here.

By the way, the word you want is they’re, not there.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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"Are you fucking kidding me? You're proposing that Eddie remove his friends as the moderators? I'm sure he'll get right on that."

"You don’t like it here, move the fuck on. I can’t believe the amount of old dudes that are such pussies."

"Sounds like the three of you have something in common. Go start your own forum if you don’t like how this one forum treats idiots who don’t follow the rules and then cry when they get called out.

As for Eddie purging the moderators here, that just proves how much of a turd sucking fuck bucket you are along with the other two especially the OP. I guess 41 years in truck stop bathrooms has fucked your ability to think before you say stupid shit."

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. You are also acknowledging that you have read the term and conditions outlined above carefully and agree to abide by them.

Three responses to mine, by long time forum members.... or moderators, to my post simply agreeing to another members post. I didn't say I was in agreement with the OP.

Followed by the line in the forum rules, about offensive messages.

Eddie.... What say you?

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