Jeep dogs!!!

Cooper (pit-mix) and Roopert (greyhound) enjoying the tops off! Roopert loves rides in the Jeep so much that if he's outside when you're unloading groceries, he will hop up inside the Jeep and stay in there for 20 minutes or until he's ready to come out. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428601714.415101.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428601727.989977.jpg
Our pup, Lucky, is growing so much. He loves riding in the Jeep and starts to get excited as soon as we hit anything bumpy because he thinks he'll get to run...!
Both of my dogs are Jeep dog officially. Here is a picture of my main copilot Roxy.


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Here's my pup. Rotti cross Bernese mountain dog. He's only 7 months old so this was his first taste of having the top off. He loves it!!
Alright heres my dog Buddy. 10y/o white GSD. He keeps the riff raff away from the jeep.


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