Jeep jk insurance with mods


New member
Hi all, getting a lot of resistance from my current nationwide insurance for my jk to cover all the mods, which companies easily give u guys no hassle mod coverage?
Stare Farm has been great for me. Originally had Allstate and quickly found out not much is covered with them when it comes to aftermarket parts.
I have no idea! I'm sure i'll have to look into this as well when i start buying and paying for insurance on my jeep and new truck whenever i get it
Usaa for the win if you can get it. Buddy rolled his jeep, told them he was going down a dirt road and they covered everything.
USAA will cover all mods as long as you have a pic of it on your jeep. Stolen, flipped, burned it doesn't matter they will cover it. If you have something that is no longer made they will get the next best thing. Also they always give you the newest model gear back. Doesn't matter if you put it on 10 years ago. They will pay for the new version.
USAA will cover all mods as long as you have a pic of it on your jeep. Stolen, flipped, burned it doesn't matter they will cover it. If you have something that is no longer made they will get the next best thing. Also they always give you the newest model gear back. Doesn't matter if you put it on 10 years ago. They will pay for the new version.

I concur, USAa is the absolute best if you are qualified to get it. They will cover everything that's been done to the rig. Just keep all documentation and pictures.
I'm going to throw farmers out there. Same thing as USAA, they will cover it if you can prove (pics) that it was bolted on your rig.
Liberty Mutual was helpful. They did raise a red flag on the winch, asking if it was a work truck, but after some discussion, got it covered.
Yup.... +1 for USAA had (f* you over) Allstate, after being with them since I was 16 and no accidents they raised my rates for 3 consecutive years in a row (I pay by the year) switched to USAA and have had a decrease for the past 2 years AND had an accident last Nov they payed for my JK to get fixed @the dealership no questions.
I have USAA, they have been great. I had 8700 dollars worth of damage about 5 months ago they fixed everything. Aftermarket rims, truck lite headlights everything. And my premium didn't go up. Def a great company if you can get them
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