King of the "Homers"

steve does the map tracking work for you at work? i know you cant see much but its kinda fun to watch, well thats if mels tracker works today.

it wasnt working yesterday due to his tracker being broken but i can try it again today.
is mel showing up on the tracker for anyone? i cant seem to find his name so i can follow along
Waiting for the Battalion Chief to leave so we can put it up on the 55" Samsung:thumb:...........until then i'm sneaking peeks on the desktop....


Live feed is down. Maybe I can get some work done. :crazyeyes:
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I met Mel and Lisa at their shop on Friday as they were still getting ready to load up. I was all set t go out on Wednesday and it didn't happen. I bought my wife horse back riding on the beach for Monday and they cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday. So instead of see hundreds of horse power in the desert we enjoyed 2 horse power on the beach. At least it made her vacation.
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