Looks Like Forbes Just Doesn't Get The Wayalife

The article was obviously written by someone who does not go off-road or enjoy the outdoors. Wear your designer clothes, drive your cookie cutter car, and sit in your ivory towers. I wouldn't want to fuck up your hair while I'm hitting trails with the top off and enjoying myself.
I guess if we all followed the Forbes way of thinking we'd all be out on the trail like this in our Forbes rated Smart Cars :cheesy::cheesy:

The Smart Car was the first thing on this "New Cars to Avoid" list...

I also noticed the Compass and Patriot are on there. They even take the time to bash the Fiat 500L... even though they have the Renegade on their 15 hottest cars list.
I've always thought that articles like this (or Consumer Distorts for that matter) are for appliance buyers, not enthusiasts.

Forbes is probably great for business news and I bet CR can tell me who makes the best toaster but with every vehicle I've ever bought, the process starts with "does this car/truck excite me?" If yes, then I proceed to the boring stuff like budget and whatnot.
The day Forbes gives high reviews on the Wrangler is probably the day they have finally made a model soccer mom'ed enough that I no longer want one.
Screw 'em!

I love my Jeep. Handles excellently, especially when I need to make a tight turn around a boulder to squeeze between two trees without touching any of them. Seems quite comfortable to me. If I didn't have a wife to drag me in the house, I'd sleep in it. Low mileage? Doesn't seem bad to me...I fill up once a week. And twice on Saturdays if I go offroad. And I said it the day I bought the Jeep and still hold to it now...I will never own another kind of vehicle. I only want a Jeep.
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