Loon Lake


New member
I just got my very first Jeep 3 weeks ago. I'm dying to get up the hill. I was woundering what the snow conditions were like. Has anyone been up to loon or Rubicon lately?

I know some people who made it through last weekend. Supposedly the snow was off the trail.

Doesn't bode well for fire season.
Thanks for the info. This will be my first time driving a jeep through. So l think I'll stop at the gate keeper. I don't have any mods yet.
Congrats on the new rig and welcome to the family. If this is truly your first Jeep I would recommend heading to Prarie City first to get the feel of 4h and 4l. It does may a big difference. Besides if you break something at least you are in the same county and have cell reception to call of assistance. Go with a crawl, walk, then run to 4 wheeling.

Best of luck.
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