Moonlight madness.. Last Chance Canyon

I was just out at the Roost a couple weeks ago and the gates were open.

I noticed a ton of trash and make shift fire rings and beer cans so maybe BLM shut it back down.

I understand your frustration though.
It's not the BLM Woody, it's the California State Park Service that has closed Nightmare Gulch due to one of the last rains making the trail "impassable". NOT!
It is a long sad story and the SPS even admidts that they acted too quickly in closing it but now they have to go thru the steps to get it re-opened.
Then on top of that you get the "we got no money" line, what a fricken joke.

But know this, there are a lot of groups working the issue so be patient. BTW if you didn't already know this, Nightmare Gulch is inside Redrock Canyon State Park. Well so is Last chance but you get the idea.

Also to add on to this, Nightmare gulch is competely closed from Feb 1 to July 1, and before the closure last year in Oct, the 1st -15th of the month was foot and Horse traffic only, and then the 16th through the end of the month vehicles were allowed. But the government deemed it unsafe to pass for vehicles so they closed it last year in Oct, but just a couple of months ago there was apparently a group of 8-4 wheelers of some sort busted through a fenceline or found a weak spot in the fence and decided to trek into nightmare gulch anyways...while i do not agree with the closure it doesn't make it right for people to find ways around fence lines...
^^^^ I agree, going on a trail you know is closed is wrong and I would never do that and wouldn't recommend anyone to even try it.

If you notice when I posted this it was well after the 15th and before the 1st so it "should" have been open. We went out through the next trail north. I believe it's opal canyon?

Out of curiosity, where did you get your information on the 8 4 wheelers? It would be nice to know who violated so we can educate them. The fastest way to ensure it's never opened is to show disregard for the rules they have "temporarily" placed.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
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